Monday, January 28, 2019

Things to avoid while facing Customers:

Things to avoid while facing Customers
Things to avoid while facing Customers

While doing sales we do study of lots of things before going on the field or territory like who are your target customers, which segment you are going to track, affordability of your target customers etc. And these are important analysis which one needs to do before going to field.

Further, when you go out in the field, doing a cold call or going for a follow-up meeting with customers etc, you need to follow so many don’ts while facing the customers. I already shared information on how to do sales effectively

As sales professional you always try to carry your sales kit what all things you need to carry in your sales kit please click here 

Now, let’s discuss some of the very important things which you never ever do or show in-front of customers:

1.       Never push customer in the beginning:

Sales always comes with target and every sales professional tries their level best to meet their sales targets and many a times while making a call to customers, we start pushing customers to buy the products or services  not even try to understand their real need and wants . Because of this customers feel like they are getting fooled by the sales guy who not at all bother to know their needs and wants but, start pushing to sell what all things he/she have in their basket. You may push customers when you build good rapport with them, till that time always try to build good rapport and do follow ups with the customers never start your sales call with the sentence “You buy this products etc”.

2.       Never lie to customer:

There is a big myth in the market that to do sales you always need to lie to customers. But in reality it’s not like that. On general notion, if you lied to someone, you never get caught is a false assumption. If you lie now and then, credibility of your words loses its importance. So if there is any short coming you have in your products or services just politely accept it and try don’t speak rubbish to prove your lie as truth.

3.       Don’t do false commitments:

In the sequence of becoming a lair you start making false commitments to the customers and here you lose everything in-front of customers your good impression, credibility, trust etc. Strictly saying never makes false commitments to customers if you want them as your repeat customers.

4.       Never criticize competitors:

This is one of the most common mistakes usually a newbie in the sales profession do often and sometimes even the experienced professional also start criticizing the competitor’s in-front of customers. If you criticize competitors or their products it shows you are incapable of doing sales. Rather, without criticizing them you may show yours technical details along with your USP to them. Try it and you will never regret it’s my promise.

5.        Never forget to do your homework:

What I means to say here is that as a sales professional you need to have proper knowledge and functions of your products, also what all competitors are doing and what you doing only this will make all the difference and you can able to close the sales. You need to update yourself with your territory and industry, it’s never expected from a newbie to work as an expert but at-least you should know your industries basics. If you are new in the sales profession but as an experienced professional, yes you must specific with facts and figures. There is a proverb “Once you open up your mouth you will show what is there in you, for me”. Hope you understand.

6.       Avoid yourself from falling in the trap of greed:

Generally, there are two types of sales persons one who always sell with the motive of commissions and to do it, he may do all, what is usually said “not to do” in sales profession. And the other one who approaches to customers with the aim of solving their problem with their product or service. Let me tell you with full responsibility that chances of getting positive outcomes for the second kind of person are higher than that of the first one. Commissions are the mere outcomes of your sincere efforts. So, just keep focus to increase your customer base rather focusing on numbers and you will see sales will follow at every call.

7.       Don’t ever loss self-confident in any situation:

Key skills usually a sales person needed are Communication skills, Presentation skills, Leadership skills, Convincing skills, Analytical skills and out of all these the most important are your Attitude and Self-Confident . It is a must skill if you want to become a successful sales professional. Self-confidence is nothing but the mindset that you can able to manage every situation. It’s common for any professional if you are on a sales call usually anxiety is one of the thing you feels and this will impact on your over all meeting with the customer and if something went wrong confident shrinks, but you need to accept that sales as the profession of rejections and if you don’t have confidence on your skills and yourself you are gone. Sometimes your fears become obstacles in your path of successful client meeting. If you want to learn on how to overcome your fears just click here  

8.       Don’t sound overconfident, be assertive:

There is a very thin line between confidence and over confidence, let me explain you with example if there is a genuine fault in your product if you are confident you just accept your fault and  try to offer alternative corrective actions to customers. And if you are in over confidence you intentionally ignore all your faults and start arguing with customers and ultimately you lose the game. So, it suggested that if you want to correct customers, always be assertive in your speech rather not start dominating him or her with overconfidence.

9.       Don’t be lazy while taking follow ups of customers:

If you want yourself as an extraordinary sales person, you need to do something extra which no other person is doing and for this you need to remove your laziness and move that extra miles without expecting in return not only from customers but also from your organization. Here I want to say you that everything counted and such a great gesture highlighted in such a way nobody will able to ignore you.

10.   Never hesitate to call or meet to customers:

If you are doing cold calling never hesitate to enter in the customer’s office. Doing Cold calling requires guts; practically speaking for a new comer it’s very tough for the candidate to make a successful meeting with client without appointment. Some of the by default things you need to face as a sales person is sometimes customers angers, frustrations, most often his egos, no time attitude etc. Once you learn the art of getting entry and meet customers directly without appointment, you start excel in your profession by making your own database of clients and customers. More the number of your cold calls more chances of reaching more customers and this will increases chance of number of sales you are going to close. So whatever data you are working do it rigorously, but don’t forget importance of cold calling and start doing it and that also without hesitation.

11.   Never loss hope and never give up:

In any industry usually the sales ratio is from 10:1 to 50:1 and so on. It means if you do 10 calls chances you can convert 1 call into sales. Again it is varying from industry to industry but one thing is for sure you get a lot of rejections and yes, you always ready mentally and physically to accept this challenge. People who says sales is not a good profession and don’t want anybody to go into the profession are those people who just give up on their skills and confidence. So never loss hope and don’t ever thing to give up. “Every Entrepreneur is a good sales person but all Sales persons are not Entrepreneurs” reason is quite simple: they never lose hope and never think of giving up.

Now, below two points are focus on you as an individual, this two things will make you happy and it is said that  happy & healthy, mind and body attracts good in everything they do.

12.   Never stop learning:

Sales is a profession where you always deals with human beings and human behavior is complex hence to succeed you need to learn new things and skills sets to upgrade yourself from the competitors and other sales persons.  If you think you learn all about sales and stop learning and upgrading yourself so you are making fool of yourself. Learning always boosts your confidence and makes you motivated to continue to overcoming challenges.

13.   Never take your health for granted:

This is last but not the least if you have good health i.e. you have harmony with your physical body and mental abilities then only you will be able to do great things not only in sales, but in every field or domain you are working. Understand this fact and try to keep your body and mind fit by doing little exercises like jogging, meditation, cycling, deep breaths etc. By doing this you can improve your creative abilities to solve problems or any situation with great ease.

These are some of the things which you have to avoid doing, if you want yourself as a successful sales profession. Well these points are not only valid for sales profession only it is relevant for all professions and working professionals. If you have any points to add please drop a comment below.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Basics of MS Office Excel:

Basics of MS Office Excel
Basics of MS Office Excel

Microsoft has developed so many amazing tools, we are aware of, and one of the most used tool in the world is Microsoft Office also known as MS Office. In this tool you find some of the amazing products which help you to work on many aspects of corporate working, like from making a presentation to analysis of the data etc. MS office includes MS Office Access, MS office Excel, MS office Groove, MS office InfoPath, MS office OneNote, MS office Outlook, MS office PowerPoint, MS office Publisher & MS office Word. Every tool has its own importance and problems solving abilities which any working individual faces in his/her life. Each one of them have some unique quality but today I am not going to discuss them all rather, Out of all these let me tell you that “MS office Excel” is the most used tool in everyday’s life. It doesn’t matter if you are a kid study in school or college or fresher or professional, we all have faced the beauty of excel in our daily working.

I am not wrong, if I say that MS Excel is pervasive in our working life, reason it help us to solve more than 70% of work on Excel in a way like managing huge data, calculations, analysis of data, making presentable data etc. This list may go on with lots of bullet points; I will discuss some of the very basic yet most important functions of MS office Excel. If you know them it’s great and starts exploring the advance version of the same. But if you get stuck with the initial use of excel this article will helps you to deal with the situation. Excel is not so small that we can sum up all its functions in one single article, so I am limiting myself to the basics first and we definitely moves to advance version once we learn the basics.

Get for the information a single Excel file contains 1048576 rows & 16384 columns, the range of columns are from A to XFD. Here in this article I am going to discuss some of the very important functions and features of excel.

If we open excel we see headings i.e.  HOME, INSERT, PAGE LAYOUT, FORMULAS, DATA, REVIEW & VIEW. There are many functions which are same as we used in MS Office Word. In each heading there are lots of functions which help us to make our data presentable, easy to analyze it and easy to calculate etc. let’s take each head one by one in brief:

1.       HOME:  functions with shortcut keys:

Ø  Inserting New Sheet: For this the icon is given at the left bottom of the excel sheet (sheet1, sheet2, sheet3, next to it is the icon just you have to click. (Shift+F11)
Ø  Copy: we can copy the selected data by this function. (Ctrl+C)
Ø  Paste: we can paste the copied data with this. (Ctrl+P)
Ø  Cut: we can cut and paste the selected. (Ctrl+X)
Ø  Save: To save the data you can click on the floppy icon or use (Ctrl+S)
Ø  Undo: It helps to bring back the information you typed and deleted by mistake  (Ctrl+Z)
Ø  B: we can highlight the data as bold with the function. (Ctrl+B)
Ø  I: it can highlight the selected data in “Italics”. (Ctrl+I)
Ø  Border: By this one can put borders on the cells.
Ø  Fill Color: It help to fill color in background of the text.
Ø  Font Color: By this one can color the font of the content.
Ø  Alignment: You can change the alignment of the selected content in top, middle & bottom alignment. And also you can align the content in right, centre and left of the cell. Along with this you can increase or decrease the margins of the cell (Alt+Ctrl+shift+Tab, Ctrl+Alt+Tab). By other two icons you can increase or decrease the Indent.
Ø  Wrap Text: with this we can make visible the whole content of the cell.
Ø  Merge & Centre: It merges two or more cells and put the content in the centre.
Ø  General: Choose how the values of the cell are displayed like in percentage, currency, date& time etc.
Ø   ($,%, , , .0 .00, .00 .0):
·         $ Sign shows the value in currencies you want to show.
·         % gives value of cell in percentage value.
·         (,):  shows the value of cells value with a thousand separator.
·         .0 .00: It shows more precise value by increasing decimal places.
·         .00 .0: It shows less precise values by showing less decimal place.
Ø  Conditional formatting: It highlights the particular cell, value and data.
Ø  Format as table: Quickly format a range of cells and convert it to a table by choosing a predefined table style.
Ø  Cell styles: It quickly formats the cell by choosing from the predefined style and made customized changes as well.
Ø  Insert: Insert cell, row, column, table or sheet.
Ø  Delete: It deletes the data from cells, rows, columns, and sheet.
Ø  Format: It allows you to make lots of changes with your cell, sheet, column, and protect and hide the cells etc like change in row height or column width etc.
Ø  AutoSum: This tab do auto sum of selected data, average, count numbers, min, max etc.
Ø  Fill: you can fill in up, down, right, and left or justify the data in cell.
Ø  Clear: It clears everything from cell, sheet and comment.
Ø  Sort & Filter: it helps to arrange the data in ascending or descending order which help to analyze data easily.
Ø  F2+Enter: With this key you can check the formula you have applied in the cell.

2.       INSERT:
In Insert tab you can insert a Pivot table, Table, Picture, ClipArt, Shapes, Smart Art, Column, Lines, Pie, Bars, Area, Scatter, and Other Charts with so many options inside each icon. You can hyperlink any information by clicking on the hyperlink tab. Further, you can add workbook to your sheet, header & footer to your sheet use different types of word Arts to decorate the data and add signature line as well. And if you want to add some item outside from sheet you can use object icon, Symbol icon is used to insert the symbols which are not in the excel.

3.       Page Layout:
As the name of heading suggests you gets lot of features to make editing with page and make its customized in the way you want to make visible the same for others. All terms are self explanatory in this tab.
4.       FORMULAS:
In this head you can apply various formulas which you want to use. In this basic version you can do Addition, Subtraction, Division, Multiplication, and can checks errors etc. below are some of the examples of the formula you can use in the sheet:

1.       Addition:  =A1+A2+A3, or use function as:  =sum(A1:A7)
2.       Multiplication: =F1*J8
3.       Division: =A1/C1
4.       Subtraction: =A1-G1

These are some of the basic functions we usually use in excel, which are helpful for the beginners who can use excel with ease with help of this article. For advance version of excel I will write the separate article. Hope this information about excel is helpful.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Things includes in a sales kit and its importance:

Things includes in a sales kit and its importance
Things includes in a sales kit and its importance

Doing sales is a life blood for an organization as this is the department which generates revenue and brings money inflow. To do sales one need to acquire some of the most important skills without which no one can succeed in sales profession. We have already discussed about the skills sets required to do effective sales

Sales kit is very important aspect while doing sales and it is because of sales kit you get equipped with the tools by which you can able to make an impression on customer’s mind about, how much sincere and dedicated you really are towards your work apart from the awesome skill sets you already equipped with. Sales kit is a very small thing generally, salesmen don’t even give importance to it but let me tell you if you have it, it will help you to close the sales, and it help you to make an impression on the mind of customer that you are having great sense of professionalism.   

Items in your kit may vary depending on the kind of model you are working (B2B or B2C). Below are the important tools or things which include in ones sales kit are:

1)      Company ID and visiting cards:
Always carry your Identity card while you are making a sales call or visiting to customers in person. Also, carry visiting cards and do exchanges of visiting cards wherever you make a visit and collect the cards of customers as well as this will become your database for work.

2)      Company Profile Brochure: 
As a sales professional you need to know everything about your company like when it’s originated, who is CEO/MD of the company, company hierarchy in the company, number of segments in which your company deals in, company turnover etc and usually all this things are represented in company profile brochure which helps you to do an effective presentation.

3)      Product Brochure:
It includes all the technical details about the product and if you are dealing with multiple technical products at that moment product brochures helps you to deal with exact facts and figures about your products.

4)      Clients List:
Usually, if we think from the perspective of customer we do an impulse purchasing and if we are buying a capital product we definitely do our research and take feedback from the users who are already using it. Hence as a sales person we help customers with this client list so they can take direct feedback from them about our post sales services etc. by providing client list we also generate the sense of trust in the mind of customers with the list. Therefore, it is very important part of your kit.
5)      Successful projects list:
 If your company deals in project management so always carry the copy of your successful completed project lists.

6)      Copy of Special Certifications:
 If your company possesses any certifications like BIS certificate, any award or recognition by an eminent body etc always carry copy of the same. Customers always belief on written documents and if you carry such documents with you it will help you to improve trust level of customers.

7)      Be Presentable:
Every salesperson need to carry themselves in such a way that one wants to listen to you and here your presentability comes into play.  Strictly follow below points:

·         Always carry a smile on your face and enthusiasm.
·         Always be in neat and clean formal attires.
·         Keep your stationery items & your folders of brochures and bag neat and clean.
·         Carry atleast one or two hankies with you all the time.
·         Carry Comb, Deodorant and face wet wipes to make yourself presentable after driving or travelling, its importance comes in if you are in field on two -wheeler.
·         Carry a water bottle and some mouth refreshing chocolates to smell good. Strictly avoid eating tobacco, pan masala etc while meeting with client or customers.

8)      Stationery which needs to carry:
 Now, you may think, why I am discussing about stationery items like Laptop, Laptop charger, Calculator, Pens, Pencils, Rubber, Sharpener, Scale, Marker visiting card folder, Mobile charger, Hands free, Notepad, company envelops & Blank white papers. All these items you always need to carry in your sales kit because if you are setting in front of customer and any one of the thing you required and you ask it from the customer it will hamper adversely on your reputation.

Now, what I am going to say may hurt some of the salesmen but it’s a bitter fact and we need to accept it and i.e. “Carrying a sales kit doesn’t guarantee a sales conversion, but it definitely help you to increase your chance of conversions and many a times it will give a sense of positivity about you in the mind of customers. This will provide you the scope that you may get next appointment, which further leads to make a conversion of your call into sales.

I am appealing to all sales professionals that if you are not carrying your sales kit just try it once and feel the difference. I understand, how much pain we usually takes to make a call and if the outcome is negative well impact on the morale of the sales person. Your sales kit helps you to impress your prospective customers not only with your knowledge, but also with your charisma and personality.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Important points while drafting an email:

Important points while drafting an email
Important points while drafting an email
We are living in a hi-tech world, where it is expects from every person that other person is techno savvy in his or her day-to-day working. Really technology is an unavoidable part of our lives and it is because of easy access of Internet to everyone. When Internet made its impact on our personal life similarly it has a huge impact on our professional life too. If you are working in corporate you can able to relate with this words. There are so many unsaid rules which one need to follow while working on Internet whatever the channel like social media, official CRM used for internal or external communication by companies.

Written communication is the most important thing when we need to make a record or to do a formal communication, earlier we use “letters” and as the time changes “letters” are replace by “emails” to an extent. Today we will learn some of very important etiquette's while drafting an email. I my professional career of more than 5 years I gone through lots of emails from fresher kids to professional employees, to top management level executives.  What I found and it will make you surprise that more than 70% of emails are having similar kind of mistakes that are common.

In this article today I am going to bring those small yet very important mistakes which we need to avoid while doing written communication through email. Go through below points very carefully, start using the same in your written communication & you will see how fast you improve and how much impressive your mails makes you look like, in whatever kind of formal communication you are doing irrespective of your designation and age.

1.       Keep Subject line precise and to the point.
2.       Use formal Greetings with proper salutations.
3.       Purpose of your mail followed by KISS strategy.
4.       Structure of your mail body in proper order.
5.       Proper closing of an email.
6.        Double check grammar and spelling mistakes.

1.       Keep Subject line precise and to the point:
     In any email subject line is the very first thing which the recipient see and can able to figure out the inside mail is with what regards. In simple words it is a one line summary of your email. So always be very precise and clear with your subject line while drafting an email or replying to anybody’s email. Think proper subject line to your every email, example: “Regarding job interview” or “Regarding payment done to your website” etc.

2.       Use formal Greetings with proper salutations:
Start you mail by writing “Greetings of the Day” if you are writing personally to someone. This you can use in both when you are writing personal or professional emails. Further, you can use “Greetings from XYZ (Company name)” if you want mention your company name instead of using the word “Day”.
Now here are few examples of salutations for your reference:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Dear Mr. /Ms. First name Last name,
Dear First name,
Dear Mr. /Ms. Last name,
Dear Friends,
Dear Candidates,
Dear Members,
Dear Clients,
Hi First name, (Informal Salutations)
Hello First name,
After completing salutation always use comma (,)

3.       Purpose of your mail followed by KISS strategy:
Everyone knows that when you are writing an email, so it definitely has a purpose and hence before highlighting it you has to start with humble words and always start your purpose with sentences like: “Thank you for providing time…” “Thank you for your email…” after this line you need to say your purpose very quickly without taking much time of the recipient. A KISS stand here is “Keep It Short and Simple”.

4.       Structure of your mail body in proper order:
Usually an ideal email is if three small paragraphs if writing for the first time in which first paragraph  includes Thank giving and rapport building with recipient and it consist of not more than 2 lines. In second paragraph you need to mention purpose in detail up to 2-3 lines and in third paragraph you need to mention closing remarks, example: “This is for your kind perusal and action” or “Looking forward for further communication or “ Kindly do the needful” etc.
And if you are writing or replying on an email so after greetings and salutation you need to mention purpose or reply which you want to mention.

5.       Proper closing of an email:
Every email requires proper closing and here is the part where many of us usually do mistakes so I will give you some of very often used closings which used in an email, you use the same as it is mention (with or without comma) below:

Thanks and Regards, (Highly Recommended in formal communication)
Warm Regards,
Best Regards, (Most used in formal communication)
Kind Regards,
Best wishes,
Yours Sincerely (When you know the name of recipient)
Yours Faithfully
Take Care,
Thank you, (Informal Closings)
Have a nice day,

6.        Double check grammar and spelling mistakes:
This is vital and most important part while doing any kind of written communication once you done with drafting an email you to check very carefully spelling mistakes and grammar in the draft. If you ignores this or by mistake you sent the mail with such errors it will spoil not only your reputation, but a great chance of availing the opportunity associated with that mail of close the doors for your future workings. Usually, people takes email for granted and this type of thinking make them suffer a lot specially job seekers if such mistakes happen very strictly speaking interviewer rejects most of the candidates.

These are some of the most important point’s one need to keeps in mind and check while doing any communication through emails.
Hope this article will help you to improve your written communication and helps you to avoid from the suffering usually people faces while wrong drafting of emails.

Happy Life Hacks:

  In today’s world, we, the people on Earth, want to live a mindful, peaceful and happy life and to achieve it we have that find our own way...