Tuesday, September 10, 2019

How to Organize Your Life:

How to Organize Your Life
How to Organize Your Life

Life is going like hell, no time for family and self” we heard this sentence very often now days from every second person we met. It is right that today we are dealing with lot of complex, non recurring issues not only in professional front but at personal side as well. Most of the population today is dealing with stress, work life imbalance, lack of consistency, various health issues and personal life challenges

The reason is when we deal with any of the above mentioned symptoms we have to understand that we are not organized as far as our life is concern, and start giving excuses to ourselves and try to prove the adverse situations which we created by our ignorance or lacking, we give reasons which may vary from person to person. 

We all know that why things are going wrong but due to lack self belief and sometimes due to social obligations we get stuck in life as a result we get stressed and indulge in more stuffs which create chaos.

There are a lot of things people think they are doing to become organized in life, but still not getting the desired outcomes. I am going to give you five major reasons on how you can organized in life and enjoy stress free, relaxed, creative, peace of mind in your life.

1.       Be Healthy :
In this rat race for earning money, today we are taking our health for granted. We are aware of the fact that how important is our health but still we are not caring about it. So here are some tips on how easily you can keep yourself fit and healthy.

Start with very small steps like:
a)      Start eating healthy, organic, hygienic food on regular basis.
b)      Maintain hygiene at your home and work place.
c)       Take deep breaths.
d)      Keep Smiling.
e)      Do exercise or yoga or meditation at least for 15 minutes a day.
f)       Read good books, journals or websites. That will give good diet of knowledge to your mind.
g)      Spend time with “Mother Nature” with your family, friends and relatives.
h)      Start enjoying little things its give mental and physical satisfaction. It keeps you healthy.

2.       Organize Mentally:
Everything starts with mindset. Once you visualize things, you can execute it in a way you imagine it. The more we upgrade our creative thinking the more organized we become in our daily lives. To grow our mind we can start with:

a)      Reading books and literature.
b)      Think and act positive.
c)       Start travelling.
d)      Meet with new people.
e)      Observe different cultures, life styles.
f)       Spend time with kids and old age people.
g)      Meditate and connect yourself with energies of universe. It requires practice and consistency.

3.       Develop Schedule:
One of the reasons of living unorganized life is mismanagement of time. And you can manage it by:
a)      Start developing habit of making schedule and try to follow it as you planned.
b)      Prioritize your time by start maintaining notes or dairy.
c)       Set goals on personal front as well and keep achieving it.
d)      Don’t bring office work at home and vice-versa.
e)      Be creative while performing day-to-day task in life.
f)       Make to do list and make plan for month then break it down to weeks and then in days and follow it sensory. You will see the difference.
g)      Respect time and act wisely.

4.       Don’t Delay or Postpone:
It is one of the reasons for unorganized life. The more we delay or postpone things it will leads to confusion and distractions, this will leads to stress, lack of confidence and finally we get stuck up. So these are the ways to overcome such this type of situations and fears are:
a)      Develop a habit of finishing work as per plan.
b)      Be more effective and efficient in task.
c)       Keep your goals high.
d)      Be focused on your working habits.
e)      Take prompt and informed decisions.
f)       Be Proactive
g)      Eliminate and Inculcate tasks, activities and personality traits on regular intervals.

5.       Keep Control:
Now this is very tricky, most of the people failed because they loss control over their thoughts, habits and activities this is the biggest reason of mismanagement of anyone’s life. To keep everything on track we need to do is:
a)      Be disciplined in life.
b)      Keep things simple.
c)       Keep measures for checking self efficiency, by keeping track of the above mentioned activities.
d)      Be responsible, sincere and honest with yourself.
e)      Set benchmarks and keep regular checks on how you are achieving them.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How to Handle Dominating People in Life:

How to Handle Dominating People in Life
How to Handle Dominating People in Life

In life we met lots of people sometimes with in family and many a times outside family. It is really very sad in Indian society where parents don’t teach their kids proper ethics and values and later on the kids start harassing their parents first.

It doesn’t matter you are a boy or girl if you dominate others then primarily you need treatment from mental hospital. Usually, it’s seen that these types of creatures start disturbing lives of their near and dear ones.  They are very concern about their social image but the fact is they are portraying wrong image in front of other and not even feeling shame by playing politics with in their own family.

Dominating people are weak, frightened and full of fears may it is of money, power, controlling some one’s life and so on. It is very simple rule that if you want to dominate so better try it with the similar caliber or having caliber more than you. Showing you domination and politics with people who are soft-hearted and targeting them with your cheap actions is really ridiculous.

In society, it is really bad that people who are well-educated especially people who are Government servants have a bit of really shit attitude. Now no need to worry about such people on how to handle such fellows it doesn’t matter it’s a male or female. Dominating is not tolerated. Let’s discuss on how to handle such dominating people and kill their attitude with our words and actions.

1.       Don’t be afraid to face such people:
Generally, people who want to dominate always use high pitch of voice and shouting, humiliates, harass people who are little weaker in front of them and always try to make you feel worthless person who always takes wrong decisions and they always did the right things in life. 

Very strict note don’t be afraid with such people face them boldly head to head, don’t speak to them anything as they are a stranger to you. Make them feel like a barking dog to which no one is listening.

2.       Ignore them:
The best way to deal with dominating people is to ignore them, but the contradiction rises here is dominating people don’t let you ignore them. So now what? It’s very simple you don’t react or respond to them, ignore them like they are nothing for you. You silence kills them at the best.

3.       Be Assertive by showing them their limits:
Be very strict and clear on what behavior you want from them speak upfront on this, show them what they deserve. Never get stuck with such people and if still they want to dominate you then treat them a good lesson.

4.       Handle them with maturity:
Try to avoid clashes first but if they didn’t understand that your avoidance is not fear. Have faith in self that you are mature enough and handle this type of people as well and it doesn’t matter they are from your family, friends, relatives or acquaintances. No one have this right to dominate you. For this be more rational in thinking and keep your emotions aside.

5.       Hit ones for all and hit them hard:
It’s really interesting now; no one will ever give you such piece of advice what I am going to give you now, If this dominating people crosses their limits then you have no option left be more aggressive and hit them hard with your words, pin point their weak points, loop holes, unethical acts, harassment etc and make big issue of that humiliate them in public. Bring their original face in front of all.
Ensure that you hit them so hard that they will never ever again stand in front of you to dominate.

6.       Take deep breath and strategize:
Take deep breath and focus on how you can handle and stop them from humiliating your mental comfort. These people have a specific mind-set and you just need to hurt their egos so well that they feel the pain. So plan accordingly by keeping your mind cool and calm, find solution to keep them shut up and you will find the solution, have confidence in you that you can handle not only worse people but also you can manage adverse situations too.

7.       You have to take a stand:
When such people start disturbing you, just close your eyes meditate and think on how you deal with them. While thinking you check all aspects of how your action impacts on you on the opponent, on other members around you and then act like a perfectionist. And once you take action don’t think over it again you did the right thing because you already did the analysis before action.

8.       Finally, Be yourself:
This is again very tricky, dominating people look for people who they think they are inferior to them and start dominating them. What mostly irritates them firstly, you ignore them and secondly, you are not affected by their words and action “Be yourself”. This is really amazing to see their reactions and disturbance and you are at peace.

Different people have different techniques to deal with dominating people, but one thing is same that is you. What matters here in this is how you want to deal with them, let give them liberty to dominate you or you show them the real you and keep your mental comfort with peace of mind. You need to take action against such people is for sure otherwise they never stop interfering and dominating in your life.

Now decision is yours and act wisely. If you want to share your experience on how you handle dominating people please share in comment section.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

How to Overcome Stage Fear:

How to Overcome Stage Fear
How to Overcome Stage Fear

Stage Fear is very common problem in professionals today. It is very easy for people to make comments and speak in front of known people but the major problem arises when we have to speak in front of people to whom we rarely know.

Communication skills are one of the pre-requisite today life style. Fear is nothing but the lack of knowledge which gives us feeling of risk and uncertainty. The good news about stage fear is we can remove this fear from our lives and will communication with as many people as we want to communicate through stage.

“It is just like a game how better you talk to yourself before addressing your audience will make all difference”  people usually start making judgments about your before you speak anything on stage. You need to present in the moment.  

Here below are some of the very easy yet trusted practices which will help you to overcome your stage fear and will make you very excellent communicator in life. Let’s discuss in detail:

1.       Do Proper Research about the Topic:
It is really very important to do research about the topic on which you are going to discuss with your audience.  You can do research through books, internet, journals etc related to your topic. Never give presentation for the sake of giving it. Always keep in mind when you speak you have to make sense and grab your audience focus on topic. You can engage them through storytelling, & with examples, but to do all this you need to have grip on your topic and it only comes with preparation and practice.

2.       Use Easy and Simple Language:
There is a misconception that you have to use jargon's and difficult words to give an impressive presentation on stage. Keep in mind always use language according to your audience and then deliver. Keep very thing very simple and precise so that people can able to relate it as soon as you speak. “Your creativity, innovation, courage, etiquette, confidence and presence of mind plays very critical role while speaking with large audience”.

3.       Practice in front of Mirror:
There is no substitute of practice, the more you practice the more you get confidence. For public speaking or stage speaking practice in front of mirror is very important. Reason behind is that when you address the audience you will know how exactly you look like i.e. the way you carry yourself, your body posture, facial expressions etc.

4.       Be in the Best Attire:
Looks do play an important role when you stand on stage. Wear formal’s which comforts you and the kind of event you are going to discuss. Dress neat and clean, use light fragrance perfume & smell good, wear clean footwear’s, groom properly take hair cut, clean shave etc. Keep in mind once you stand on stage people have to get impressed by the way you carry and speak with them all this boost your self-confidence.

5.       Keep Smile while Greeting Audience:
People like and attracts towards smiling faces. There is a huge difference between smile and laugh. You need to know when to smile and when to take pause, it will give time to audience to think over what you speak and you get time to recall what next you are going to deliver.

6.       Take Deep Breath & Be Calm:
While standing on stage nervousness and anxiety makes you uncomfortable so here is a simple trick to overcome that you just need to take deep breath and concentrate about what you have ready. Over stage you can star with greetings, take deep breath and confess about your nervousness then take a minute pause and meditate rather say close your eyes and concentrate and start your presentation.

7.       Be Interactive with your Audience:
You have to built connection with your audience by making eye contacts, engaging the in one on one interaction, ask questions, be emphatic and attentive when you audience respond to you may take pause by drinking water after asking a question on share some thought on which you want your audience to think. Make them feel special and try to make it a two-way communication. It helps both you and audience. The more you make audience comfortable the more they support you.

8.       Have Positive Body Language:
Here you need to focus on your non verbal communication skills, keep your head high and body straight it shows self-respect, do a firm hand shakes, keep smiling, be polite yet assertive, your appearance, facial expression, gestures & postures, voice tone and proximity. Stop self negative talks and focus on what you have and how you deliver.

9.       Only You Knows, What You Don’t Know:
It is very common that on stage usually people get stuck, sometimes get blanked and this will give you moment of self insult but the game changer are those who overcome as soon as it happens. When you are addressing the audience you only knows what you are going to discuss and if some points may get shuffled, it doesn’t matter because your audience never know what you going to speak next.

10.   Give your Best & Prepare for the Worst:
Last but not the least while doing public/stage speaking you never know how your audience react so you need keep focus on what you want to deliver and if something not going in the way you want so don’t get stuck or fearful, but you have to use your creativity and promptness by giving quick answers to take lead of your audience minds.

The only rule for success is how well you prepared and how well you deliver in case of stage speaking. There are times you may fail initially but gradually with practice and preparation you succeed to overcome your stage fear. These tips and tricks are which based on practical life experiences of professionals. Use these tips in your day-to-day life and enhance your personality.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Reasons Why People don’t take Risk in Life:

Reasons Why People don’t take Risk in Life
Reasons Why People don’t take Risk in Life

Indian society is such a Hippocratic one that people here need only money without efforts and always thinks of security in all kinds. No person in the world is fully secured, our lives are like prepaid sim card everyone come with their own validity why such shit’s don’t understand this fact specially the so-called “Indian Parents”.

Kid’s upbringing is really a matter of concern today in India. We hide ourselves behind our bullshit cultures, religions and ancient history of all times. Indian mentally is still very far behind the risk taking capabilities. The so-called intellectuals and intelligent shit’s of the country are most bothered to take risk and all becomes big hindrance in life of people who want to take risk and succeed in life.

We don’t know which is our last breath on the planet earth is. Do anyone guarantee that they will go to wake up next morning with surety then why people want guarantee when it comes to career point of view. Is money is the only factor of measuring success. If you think money is only thing in life then surely you will stuck in life which make situations more adverse.

We say, we have so much faith and beliefs in our God’s and literature like Bhagwat Geeta, Ramayana and Mahabharata. How much do people follow it today is a question we need to ask ourselves. We say Bhagwat Geeta is the book in which every word spoken by “Lord Krishna”, but this Hippocrates won’t believe on words said by God as well, so what to expect from such nonsense people in so-called literate society. This Hippocrates is so arrogant that if you do anything which is different they will use their full energy to make you fail.

Now, coming on business point of view again people who didn’t know about business and entrepreneurship has most of the things to speak on the topic and flourish nonsense in life of people who have courage to take risk. Here I want to clear one more thing mere taking risk is not at all a wise choice but one need to take CALCULATED RISK in his/her life. What is most depressing in India today is people who are doing whatever kind of jobs they are into they have a herd mentality and still they want to dominate and make other people also like them who live life the way they live i.e. in fears, confusions, hypocrisy of cultures & religions, selfishness, their literacy etc.

My message to all those people who want to start their own business is to avoid the above kind of people if you want to succeed. Practically speaking, such people are your family members, near and dear ones, your partner, friends and relatives. You need to take a strong and strict call on such people or else you will never carry out what you want to do as an entrepreneur in life. “Firstly they won’t support you in your decisions and always try to expect you to fail because you are doing something different from them, and secondly if you failed then they kill you with their words.”

Definition of success which an average Indian thinks is “need a job which pay them little penny’s, build a small house and buy a small or second-hand cars , then do marriage with an average girl and have kids”. That’s it. It is definition of success?

When you are working on plan-A then never ever think of plan-B because if you do that you surely fails, the day you think of any other options while working on your plan-A. Life is very simple and if we follow law of nature in life no one stops you. Such Hippocrates are full of double standards once you succeed in life they will worship you like anything and come to eat the cream which you earn with lots of pain, hard work and  sacrifices.

Very important lines “Your family, friends and relatives have experiences in their lives are depends upon their skills and limited knowledge, There is no thumb rule that if any situation doesn’t work out as per them is also not work out for you also. You have your own skills, abilities, wisdom, knowledge and capabilities to deal with same situation in a different way and make most of the same which they fail to attain.”

To close here, I will suggest all budding entrepreneurs, businessmen and women, industrialists to focus on you vision and work hard to reach your goals and build better society.  Take guidance from people who already successful in business and achieves name, fame, esteem in life, read good books. Learn from their practical and rational knowledge and wisdom. 

You need to believe in yourself with and consistent with your approaches, time comes when you also feel uncertainty, fear of failure etc kind of emotions very heavily but you have to overcome all such emotions and explore the unexplored areas of life. 

Real success depends on how you fightback when odds are against you and get back up with flying colors. This will only be possible when you speak truth with yourself and ignores all negatives around you.

Here are all my best wishes for you all to start your own business and be successful in life. If you have your stories about the topic you can share it in comment section.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

How to Handle Failure:

How to Handle Failure
How to Handle Failure

As people who are successful knows how to handle success. Similarly, if one gets failed in any point of time or situation we also need to learn the art of handling failure.

Failure is a part of life’s game. Generally, when anything not happened as per our plan, we consider it as a failure. If someone fails there are lots of factors sometimes which are in our control and sometimes beyond our control.

 If you analyze the pattern of your thoughts you will get to know that failure is nothing but the chain of your decisions which are not favorable for that particular situation, which leads to more such decisions.

When we realize that there is an error or a mistake most of the time we realize it pretty late when the damage is already happened.  

We need to understand the fact that “Whatever happened is happened, we can’t change that” we only learn lessons from that and move on. It is very important to study your failure and find loop holes which you were unable to rectify earlier.

In lives every one of us has an encounter with failure. “It doesn’t matter that you fall down, what matter is how soon and impressively you get back up.” It is very common that if people failed they get into trap of depression.

So here in this article you will find the ways on how to handle failure. These are very common and easy tips which one can follow. Let me make you aware of the fact all the below tips sounds very simple but when we a overcoming our failures, all these seems very hard to apply. Here in your mental toughness comes into existence. Let’s discuss in detail:  

1.       It’s OK, if you Failed:
Many people take too much stress if they have an encounter with failure. Take it in a positive way and focus your mental and physical energies towards the learning’s you learn from the incidence. Most importantly “If you failed accept it fast. The sooner you accept the sooner you make corrective actions.”

2.        Check what you Lose & what you still Have:
Once you come to know that failure happened just do your math and calculate your loss and what left. “Sometimes when we know that we lose so it is better to book a loss at that particular moment and never take long to book that loss, because as time passes your loss will also increase only and it increases exponentially.”
3.       Have Confidence in Yourself:
Self-confidence is an ability which gives you power to fight with the odds and energy to become creative and innovative in adverse situations. Failure directly impacts on our self-confidence. Have faith in God, believe in your capabilities and honor your words. You see even in failure you find the way to success.

4.       Recheck your Priorities:
When you are dealing with failure you need to re-prioritize all your goals and targets professional and personal so that one can overcome failure soon. If you can’t reset your priorities you may stuck in situation where you have to bear huge losses on both fronts i.e. professional and personal.

5.       Analyze your Risk Bearing Capacity:
Once failure happens, people usually afraid to take risk again but the fact of the matter is that you have to analyze your risk taking capacity when you are struggling with failure too. There are uncertainties and doubts but still you need to do research and with full confidence and responsibility need to take decisions for betterment of your future. “Calculate risk and measure your abilities and act accordingly.”

6.       Focus on inflow of Money:
If you encountered with failure professionally you may suffer financial losses and may be inflow of money stops. This situation is pretty common for the startup entrepreneurs. You need to make arrangements for your alternate income sources as well. If rainy days come you can able to fight back. “Money is the biggest motivation to deal with adverse situation it gives you confidence and increases your risk taking capacity.”

7.       Plan a Comeback:
Usually, it is seen that once people have any failure or set back they stuck with the situation and never try to cop up with it in real. Problems and Failures is part of life and it comes again and again, they are always bigger than our capacities. You need to plan everything and act as per your plan. If you are not comfortable so take time and then make a comeback, but remember always make a comeback.

8.       Do what you Never did Yet:
When failure happens we get stuck because of which our creativity shrinks and fear rises at its peak. To deal with this you need to keep motivating yourself and have faith in your instincts and gut feelings. If any incidence occurs you have to think differently which you never did yet. Use available resources, information and other aspects to make any decision and always keep little scope for correction if needed.

9.       Be Consistent:
Failure make us depressed, frustrated, lazy, careless etc. to deal with this you need to involve yourself in activities like following your hobbies, passion take a long walk, exercise and keep yourself consistent in this activities, it will help you to improve your mindset gives you positive feeling for self and you will definitely get things done rationally.

10.   Don’t lose Focus:
If unfavorable situation occurs, primarily we lose our focus from our goal and start searching for alternatives to goals and not searching alternatives to deal with the situation.  To stay focused you have to keep yourself fit and healthy both physically and mentally. You can meditate, take deep breaths, eat fresh fruits and food, spend time with kids and old age people, perceive any hobby, admire the nature etc. All this will keep you alive with full of enthusiasm and mental peace.

11.   Spend time with Family and Close Friends:
When we met with failure the very basic thing we do is we disconnect ourselves not only from society but also from our near and dear ones. Family gives you courage and ray of hope when you not able to find direction in life. Always try to keep close bonding with family and friends because they are the pillars stand with you when no one else does.

12.   Ignore Self Negative Talks:
This is tricky, self negative talk is one of the most lovable activity people do even if they are doing good in life and achieve acumen in career. It happens because of over thinking and over analyzing things which are not exists and sometimes which are out of your control. It is the biggest challenge for humans to deal with. To make a concrete statement here let me tell you the fact “You never able to stop negative self talks what you can do is only ignore it by shifting your focus on positive.”  Save yourself not only from negative people around you but also from your own self destructive negative thoughts.

13.    Write a Plan and act as per that:
What’s done is done, you cannot change that, and it is fact, so accept it. If you lose everything, still you have something left in you which is “YOU.” Collect yourself, relax and then start new beginning with new day with new plan. Write plan on paper make strategies with priorities by keeping in mind what you want to achieve, and then rub your ass with full capacity and energy. Eventually, you see yourself where you think it as a dream. Be true to yourself and plan rationally.

14.   Move Slowly, but Never Stop:
Failure makes us negative with full of self doubts which resist us from doing action. If we stop doing action we start diminishing. Learn your lessons, change your approaches, alter strategies, stay in shape, and dream big, finally to achieve all this take actions. Never give up on situations just move on continuously even if it is slow. “Every person is struggling with his or her life in some or the other way, so never compare you with others.” It’s better to focus on self improvement.

“Failure is stepping stone in the path of success” you will find this line in various books and yes it is correct too. If we won’t fail we won’t learn. Success gives you name, fame, esteem, power but failure makes you humble, honest, fearless and makes you more mature i.e. you will evolved as a person which people dreamed off.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

What is Digital Marketing and how it works:

What is Digital Marketing and how it works
What is Digital Marketing and how it works

Sales and marketing always being an eye bowls for any entrepreneur or business organization. Lots of innovations and updations had taken place in this domain. Initially, in sales and marketing one need to focus on classic approaches i.e. cold calling, field mapping, customer meetings and so on. As time changed, so the approaches updated accordingly.  But in last few years there is a dynamic shift of population on internet and hence it has given the birth of Digital Marketing.

To define Digital Marketing in very simple language is “Marketing of product and services through online mediums and channels” like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and other local portals.

Let me give you some facts, Google is the biggest search engine in the world full of information. People are more active on social media because of easy internet access today. 60% population of the world is using traditional ways to buy any product or services and 40%population uses online modes. These figures will be reverse in next 5 years.

As of May 2019, total population worldwide is 7.7 billion. The internet has 4.4 billion users. This figures show us the potential Digital Marketing did have in the upcoming years.

Keywords plays very important role in SEO. There are various tools through which you can do keyword research for your business. If keyword research done properly you win half the battle. Google itself offer free tool for keyword research named as Google Keyword Planner Tool.  Once keyword research is complete then it comes to the look and feel of your website which attracts more traffic depending on various factors mentioned by Google. Digital Marketing is segregated in four sub branches as below:

1.       Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
2.       Social Media Optimization (SMO)
3.       Social Media Marketing (SMM)
4.       Search Engine Marketing (SEM) / Pay Per Click (PPC)

All the above four domains are independent yet dependent on each other to get best results. To explain everything in detail takes huge time so to save time, let’s have some little glimpse on each of them one by one.

1.       Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
The basic definition of SEO is it is a process to increase traffic to your website through organic search results.

It is a process through which one can bring traffic on the website for free, organic, generic. SEO done in two ways one is “On Page” and other is “Off Page”. All parameters and guidelines are given by Google.

There are lots of activities involve in both type of SEO. The basic difference in the two is “On Page” activities done on live website and “Off Page” activities done on the third-party websites to generate back links.  Below is the list of activities:

             On Page Activities:
1.       Website Analysis
2.       Study of Plug-in
3.       Pre Analysis Report
4.       Keyword Analysis Report
5.       Keyword Ranking Report
6.       Competitor Analysis
7.       Blog topics for Social media keywords based
8.       Title
9.       URL Structure
10.   Description
11.   Alt Tag/Image Optimization
12.   Body Tags (H1, H2, H3…)
13.   Keyword Density
14.   Internal Linking
15.   Canonical
16.   Text/HTML ratio
17.   Schema.org
18.   Frames
19.   Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP)
20.   Favicon
21.   Robot.txt
22.   Website Structure & Construction
23.   XML Sitemap
24.   Google Analytics Integration
25.   Google Search Console Integration

Off Page Activities:
1.       Search Engine Submission
2.       Link Submission
3.       Article Submission
4.       Infographics Submission
5.       Blog Submission
6.       Forum Submission
7.       Directory Submission
8.       Social Bookmarking
9.       Business Review
10.   Local Listings
11.   Question Answers, Comment Submission
12.   Social Media Engagement
13.   Photo Sharing
14.   Press Release Promotion
15.   Classified Submission
16.   Document Sharing 
17.   Video Submission
Make a note here “Never use your personal Gmail account to do SEO always create new account and then proceed with SEO”.

You need to make sure that all the above guidelines of “On Page” and “Off Page” activities are following properly; it will help your website to come on top of first page of Google SERP for particular keywords.

SEO is time-consuming process yet it gives you desired results probably in 6-8 months of time period. The benefit here is you will get organic traffic with more clicks which lead to more conversions with genuine leads and hence boost your business online.

* (To learn more on how to do these activities, I will write separate articles in detail).

2.       Social Media Optimization (SMO):
Social Media Optimization is the process of increasing the awareness of products, services, events, brands etc by using social media channel handles like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Whats App etc.

Worldwide the numbers of users of social networking sites is around 2.46 billion. This figure gets increased in coming times. Therefore, social media play an important role and yes you will get huge number of potential customers and clients worldwide almost free of cost.

Usually, it done by creating your business page on major social networks like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest; create business account on Twitter and business promotional channel on YouTube.
To receive benefits from your social media handles you need to focus on following points:
a.      Create high quality unique images.
b.      Unique Content as content is king.
c.       Post daily.
d.      Check best time for posting on different media handles.
e.       Attach landing page with your high quality image and content.
f.        Check Grammar and spelling mistakes in posts.
g.      Provide active response on queries.

3.       Social Media Marketing (SMM):
It is the shortcut to increase traffic to your website. When we use paid services from these social media networks we will call it as social media marketing.  You can increase traffic by running Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads, Twitter ads, Pinterest ads, Instagram ads and YouTube ads etc to increase awareness or to generate leads through conversions.

Every social media channel has their system for advertisements and everyone charges accordingly based on the type of ads you want to run. To is very effective way because you will get more genuine leads in short span of time as compared to traditional models of sales and marketing. SMM services is a paid one which offers by all social media handles, it is in demand because it gives instant results in terms of conversions.

4.       Search Engine Marketing (SEM)/ Pay Per Click (PPC) :
SEM also known as PPC is very important pillar in Digital Marketing. Google runs this in name as Google AdWords. It is very much target oriented where you can run ads to the specific type of audience with specific geographical areas etc. In this keyword plays an important role, where CPC (Cost per Click) and CPM (Cost per Mile/ Cost per Impressions/ Cost per thousand Impressions) come into existence.

In Google AdWords you need to do bidding for your keywords and based on various factors like your ad quality, CTR, page loading time, ad content etc will matter to get your ads in Google ads ranking in Search Engine Result Page(SERP). 

To become a successful digital marketing expert one has to have ability to work in all the four sub branches i.e. SEO, SMO, SMM and SEM. Person also become expert in any single domain and excel in that too. The reason here is Digital Marketing is flourishing itself like anything from last few years and the coming future has a very big potential for digital marketers.

Career avenues which digital marketing open up are like you can get a job as every company now a day’s focusing on this and hire professionals who are good in any of these or in all segments of digital marketing. Apart from this you lot of new agencies are into market running successfully so starting your own business in pretty easy in digital marketing. Freelancer is a domain in huge demand in digital marketing.

To start a Digital Marketing Agency you required below four experts:
a.      Digital Marketer
b.      Web Developer
c.       Content Writer
d.      Graphics Designer

Hope you will able to get the glimpse of what is digital marketing is all about, how it works and what are the career prospects one have if they opt Digital Marketing as career. To explain everything in detail will launch a series of articles soon.

Happy Life Hacks:

  In today’s world, we, the people on Earth, want to live a mindful, peaceful and happy life and to achieve it we have that find our own way...