Tuesday, February 26, 2019

How to start something new:

How to start something new
How to start something new

In management there is a saying “Learning is the only thing which is permanent” it means we as a human being constantly learn something at every moment in life as the time passes, sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously. Laziness is part of human life which can’t be ignored because everyone want to learn new things but don’t want to come out of their things as they are. Here you will find some tips on how to start new venture or job or business or a small household work. Why people fail in business click here https://bit.ly/2SA6zxp

1.       Changing mindset:
It’s all start with a mindset, it’s not easy to change the mindset yet it’s not impossible as well. To develop the winning mindset we need to feel the urge of urgency while doing any sort of work. Forget what people think of you this is one of the biggest hassle we feel to start any new venture. Practically speaking, people first laugh, than oppose, then enjoys and then accept the change. Meditation helps you to change your mind set in positive direct. Click here to know more about meditation https://bit.ly/2XbthKL So don’t hesitate to take very first step to start just put your nose inside and finally you can do it successfully.

2.       You can do it:
Never doubt on your own capabilities, if you have the guts to start so you have patience and reasonable reasons to take it to its target. Research shows that more than 95% of people usually give when they are at the verge of getting successful. Always try to go a little extra mile everyday and eventually you succeed. Keep faith in your idea and have confidence to convert that idea into reality. Have dare to make mistakes but also have guts to rectify it as soon as possible, be the quick learner because it boost your confidence to a new level.

3.       Afraid of taking risk:
We are living in the society where people usually want to go safe and because of that they don’t even dare to take risk of starting new. Here you first calculate the risk involve in the idea or decision you want to do with. Be smart and take the risk by analyzing your resources, skills etc you needed to sustain in the competition. To reduce risk one need be more informed & more careful about the stuffs going on, to gather more information you need to read more books, journals, blogs of the people who already started something new and become successful too.

4.       Research about the topic:
Do research on all the positives and negatives about the idea which you want to make the reality. Use internet to gather the data and take help from the industry experts directly with the help of social media. When you start talking with these experts you will start articulate the structure, which you are planning to build and scale up you new venture. If you think you get stuck on the idea on how to start so start with study about it and start taking little steps towards that, it will help you to get confidence in yourself to start. click here to know more on how to build self confidence https://bit.ly/2Syc7IO

5.       Don’t think it like an option:
To start new you need to channelized your energy towards that direction and most population falls and they are unable to stay focused on the same idea. As said earlier, people love to play safe and hence they usually don’t give much attention on the idea because they take it as an option. “The more you destroy your options; you will be clearer towards your goal”. People says always ready yourself with plan B but successful entrepreneurs never have or think of plan B. Because they are firm with their decision and stick to it learns for it & learn from it. It’s always been easy to give up at any moment but if you stand at that moment you succeed.

6.       Start anything keeping the end in mind:
We need to manage our thoughts with our beliefs and experiences to hold on with the idea which you already started executing or in planning to do so. Always do any action by keeping in mind the outcome of that action. We usually predict & more accuracy comes with the predictions, while predicting two things plays an important role, one is Your Intuition and the other is your logic's. If both go hand in hand then your decisions said as rational.

7.       Disconnect yourself from negatives:
It is one of the most crucial tasks to disconnect ourselves from negative people and thoughts; the more you keep yourself away from such items the more you focused on your aim. As you started your self-destructive thoughts you see the better picture and can easily identifies the negative people around you. Connect with self at the time of adverse circumstances, you focus on positives you find more opportunities and altogether all your moves alien in a proper direction. 

8.       Have Courage:
Until and unless you don’t have courage you can’t move forward. To be courageous you need to believe in yourself, in your mission, vision. Courage comes with knowledge; knowledge gives wisdom to think what is right and what is wrong. Being hard-working is a different thing and being courageous is different. Hard work is an engine and courage is fuel to run that engine. Again, have belief in yourself and your capabilities and the assurance that everything will be fine.

9.       Take Action:
Here is the last but definitely not the least yet out of all one of the most important point i.e. take action. Thinking gives you the direction but action leads you to the way to meet your desired goal. Decisions without actions are nothing. Many people near you will try to stop you to take action and most of the time your own thoughts will stop you. You have to play hard on that feeling and start taking action keeping a side all your fears like fear of failure, fear of committing mistakes, fear of getting stuck, being bullied, looks like fool, etc. To know more on how to overcome fear click here https://bit.ly/2SxIUxM Just ignore all of them and start focusing on your goal and gradually they all vanished. Stand up see your face in mirror, smile, feel good and think yes, you can do it.

These are all hurdles comes up in the mind when we start planning to start something new for ourselves or sometimes new for all. Failing is part of game the more you fail the more you learn and sooner you succeed. Share your thoughts and stories on how you started something new and how you overcome the hurdles in the journey.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Effects of Meditation in life:

Effects of Meditation in life
Effects of Meditation in life

We all are living in a world, where very basic principles of nature followed like compassion, courage, apathy, action and most importantly Cause and Effect. We work hard to meet our goals, sometimes we get stuck in situations which are pretty hard to overcome for an individual. On this planet earth, there are two types of people one who believes in divine power and the other who don’t believe in it. We are not going to discuss who is right and who is wrong here, but what we are going to discuss is when we ever stuck in a situation which is unbearable to handle how meditation helps you to overcome any problems in life. How to overcome fear click here https://bit.ly/2SxIUxM

Let’s discuss how it starts; we usually close our eyes and start thing about the cause of the issue and how to overcome with such problem. When we start meditating we realized the power of nature and when you focus on certain problem on how you can solve it you will certainly finds the solution which is best in all aspects, sometimes it little hard to accept and sometimes it easy to accept. But in both scenarios nature help you as and when you connect with it.

Practically speaking, you feel like you do better meditation when you are in mental peace because when you are happy inside it’s pretty easy to connect with natural energy. And when you are facing adverse situation usually mind stick to disturbance, hue and cry. But what we need to do in this situation is to force mind to stop worrying & thinking.

The first 10-15 minutes are pretty tough to stable your mind and as soon as you start taking deep breaths, focusing on them make you relaxed and slowly you gets connect with natural energies & start feeling better.

In next 10 minutes you start getting positive thoughts about self and start feeling your powers, the more you go deeper your mind connects with your body, like when all sockets are fixed at right places electricity flows smoothly in a similar way when our body, mind and nature connects, positive thoughts start first about yourself, then about your circumstances and finally on the problems you are facing the more you put up your energy on the problem the sooner you will find the best alternatives out of various option you have to resolve the issue.  When you stay in this position for 10 minutes first you start getting your answers. Gradually, you can increase your time and you feel the positive change within.

So within 30 minutes you can alien your mind and body with nature to deliver best of you. Practice it daily and you will start getting instant results out of it. You can do it any time, any place and in any situation only you need to focus i.e. the position you choose to do meditation it is comfortable for your body. Meditation helps you to loosen up yourself to natural beauty and energies with the help of which you enjoy various emotions like success, love, confidence, affection, apathy and most importantly you start feeling happy and which gives you mental peace. It is the final point, once you find peace your creativity and innovative abilities start initiating and prospering.

Life is very simple and easy if we follow this basic principle of nature. So let’s start with 30 minutes daily and the more you meditate the more you feel happiness and peace within. Again, as nature says you give what you have if you have pain, sorrow, guilt, fear you will get the same in return. Meditation helps you to find the best way to deal with life. With meditation also add little amount of smile daily, talk to kids, play some outdoor games or a small walk in fresh air let’s make it a habit and will give to allow ourselves and the world with little amount of meditation. Its human nature easy and simple things from which if you get benefited usually people ignores. One more myth people do have is about in which age one should do meditation so here is the answer at any age you do mediation. Give chance to yourselves try this activity and I bet you that you will surely benefited abundantly.

If you have any story to share or thought to share about meditation you can definitely put up on comment section.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Why people fail in Business:

Why people fail in Business
Why people fail in Business

India is one of the fastest emerging economies with GDP growth of 7.44%. Government of India is focusing on programs like Startup India and Make in India to encourage aspiring entrepreneurs to start their own ventures. Everyday lots of new startups starts in India, a survey done by Times of India published on Aug 09, 2017 stats that 83% of workforce prefers to become an entrepreneurs, literary it’s a very big number, there is a saying out of every three MBA graduates  one want to start his or her own business. There is very high potential as far as policies, environment, scope are concern.

Yet, huge amount of new startups dies every year; study says 90%of startups fail within their 5 years of inception of their venture. The figures are frightening, but this also shows the potential and scope an individual have to start their own venture. Today, let’s have a look on the factors because of which any startup or new venture fails. If we can keep in mind these things, we can avoid losing the game and as study shows that only 5% of adult Indians establish own business (report issued by economic times on March 19, 2018). Before starting with the reasons there is a great saying in Hindi i.e. “Iss duniya me kathinahiyo ki kami nahi, haara wahi jo lada nahi” means “There are lots of obstacles in paths of the journey, and the one who didn’t fight with those obstacles losses everything.”

1.       Lack of Research:
Usually, people think they are fully equipped with the information and knowledge but mostly new entrant’s jumps into the business without proper research. This is the biggest reason why any startup fails. To avoid this one should study and do the research on industry as a whole, study your competition, study micro and macro environment affecting your business. Questions like why’s and how’s need to analyze carefully. Sometimes a small ignorance can lead us to big disaster. If you have experience in the same industry it’s an added advantage but if you are not then you need to go little extra mile and do your research and study carefully before entering into the venture. To know more about how to find a career click here https://bit.ly/2UZRjqa

2.       Wrong SWOT analysis:
It is the part of your research, SWOT analysis done on regular basis. If you are entering into the business and once you are in the game too. SWOT as we all knows stands for Strength, Weakness and Opportunities, Threats. As a startup one need to do analysis of strengths and weaknesses of self, also of industry in which they are planning to enter. Also, you need to analyze possible Opportunities and Threats to their business on continuous basis. In SWOT, SW is the analysis depends internally and OT depends on external factors. So now focus on the all the factors and analyze the situation and act so.

3.       Lack of Innovation:
This is one of the prime reasons that today we are living in India with harsh reality that today most of the youth in India is just educated and low at knowledge gain; shown in the research done on post graduation students. Today lots of initiatives and programs are successfully running not only in India but in other countries to overcome with the problem, and in my view we need to upgrade our education system to solve this issue. It’s time for entrepreneurs make themselves more innovative and creative in solving issues and problem related to business and personal lives. To innovative you need to open up your mind, connect with nature, upgrading your knowledge and skills primarily and you can start innovate gradually.

4.       Misreading challenges:
One always misread challenges, issues or situations merely due to lack of knowledge, ignorance, over confidence, greed etc. Sometimes challenges are internal as well as external, the ability to analyze challenges is an art which one can learn with their past decisions, visualizing future of your business, Study about competition etc. In business world, what needs is calculative on the amount of risk you can bear; think over parameters on which survival and success of your business depends. In business nothing is right and nothing is wrong, it’s all about situation, behavior and knowledge which leads your decision a big hit or a failure.

5.       Fear of failure:
This is the biggest reason which no one in the world faced in their life time not ones but multiple times. To know more on how to overcome fears just click https://bit.ly/2SxIUxM . Any business ventures need lots of decisions to make and to make decisions one need confidence in self and the system which he or she is developing in their business. Generally, fears comes when there is uncertainty and risk, in business acumen usually you dealt in with so many situations full of these things, here your guts play a very important role to move ahead. Again it is very common and most destructive feeling and the one who overcome with this will certainly creates history.

6.       Over thinking:
Thinking is pervasive and yes it fits in business as well. As business owners, we need to think a lot on various stuffs and accordingly make any move. We think about finance, marketing, quality, PR, sales, inventory, competition, global situations etc and as a startup we think a lot and sometimes we over think which a matter of great concern is. As an entrepreneur we need to know when to think, how much to think and when to stop thinking because over thinking leads to confusion and confusion creates indecision and this will leads to grow fear on situations which are not at all present. We think about the people who never tried entrepreneurship and usually takes their views to tackle your challenges, it’s a problem because these people are not at all know the kind of struggle and challenges you are dealing in and just throwing pieces f advises, and we start thinking over their advises. Strictly speaking don’t follow such advises.

7.       Negative self talk:
One of the basic natures of human being is that we do a lot of talk to ourselves and most of it is negative only. It’s a fact no one can argue on this. When things are not going in a planned way our negativity starts capturing our minds and once it started it’s a never-ending process. It’s a human nature to think negative but you can overcome with this feeling by doing meditation, exercise, small walks in fresh air, taking deep breaths etc. Every entrepreneur needs to fit mentally and physically which clears out negative thoughts and start focusing on positive energy.

8.       Fear on finances:
There is a saying that self confidence https://bit.ly/2Syc7IO  of a person is directly propositional to the amount of money he or she have into their pockets. It’s not universal yet it is an important factor which we can’t ignore. As an entrepreneur most of the time we struggle with the inflow of money into business and which is a matter of concern. In this situation usually most people stuck and give up. What you need to understand here is that it is just a temporary phase which will pass by. We had seen that most of the people give up when they are at the verge of getting success. Just focus on how you can increase the inflow of money and the best solution is start selling your product or services, once it started things will work out accordingly. How to do sales effectively just click here https://bit.ly/2GuS7jQ

9.       Lack of motivation & passion:
Now, here is the glitch because many a times people enter into any new venture just their peers are doing that or looking for the profit margins. I am not saying that is bad but initially what you need to analyze is about your capabilities, limitations, personal challenges, your passion, are you really want to start that or not, are you motivated and how long did you motivated before starting your venture these are some of the serious questions which one need to ask self. Never make impulse decision; you need to hear your inner voice which says it all.

10.   Involving family into business:
When you start a business usually in India people questions you why you want to business rather asking what business you want to start. It all started from family, friends and relatives, acquaintances etc. When you start working on your venture try not to involve your family and friends into business decisions. Important tip here: Generally, we discuss business matters with family and friends who are doing jobs and not business. They are not risk takers, not at all experience in owning a business so its better not to take their advice’s every now and then.

11.   Fail in finding a mentor:
We all need a proven mentor in our professional lives and to find a good mentor is very difficult yet it’s not impossible. Make a note that age doesn’t matter to become a mentor, what counts is the amount of experience and level of success.  Every entrepreneur need to find out proven mentors and keep oneself open for learning new things. Most people fail because they don’t have mentors.

12.   Don’t focus on core expertise:
When money is not flowing in and managing things will go from tough to tougher many of the new bee’s loss their focus and start exploring new ventures to sustain the inflow of money. This will make things worse because you nether focus neither on your business nor to the new job or venture you enter. Never put your nose in different kind of ventures simultaneously at primary stage of your business, just focus on your core competencies and explore more avenues within that only. Once your business stables and money is no more a concern then you can think of diversify.

These are the reasons if you work in these things you will surely overcome the hassles which you faces in your everyday life as an entrepreneur.  Failing in not the end of the world what you need to do is to keep faith in your capabilities and decisions and you will see your destination where you want to lead your business. If you have your own experience to share please comment below this helps to the people who are in need.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

How to build Self Confidence:

How to build Self Confidence
How to build Self Confidence

Today, we are heading in more advance life styles; we become more techno savvy, more active on social media, more interactive with different means of communication and achieve so many accolades. But, even though we are running like anything in our lives there is a big amount of population who are still facing the problem of lack of self-confidence. 

So many of us, still struggling with how to deal with such situations and how to stay self-confident in any state of affairs, there are lots of information available on internet on this problem but still people are not able to meet their confidence back. 

I am going to take on this problem and let me discuss some of the most important points which I acquired in my daily routine and achieve some of the amazing results which make me more confident, energetic, enthusiastic, positive and most important makes me happy in life.

Let’s start discussing all these points, hoping this will definitely help you in your life to achieve or get back your lost self-confidence.

1.        What happens, it happened:

First of all, let convince yourself that whatever happened is already done now, it’s gone. So stop worrying, feeling distressed, depressed and stop thinking on what other people think of you. The fact is that everyone is struggling in their lives at different levels and they don’t know the story and it doesn’t matter at all that they don’t know anything. Now, what I am going to share with you all please read it carefully and understand it, let me tell you this sentences you need to read many a times because it will not get inside in a first go. 

“I know myself as what & who I am, so why to worry, then People who know me also knows that what I am, so why to worry. And, People who don’t know me and makes any kind of perception about me will not at all matters to me because they don’t know what I am and  I even don’t know them too. So again, no need to worry about anything.” 

If you understand this you get the crux of life your confidence improved. Start loving yourself and accept your strengths and weaknesses. Gradually, you feel you start getting your confidence back on track.

2.       Change your Attitude:

This is not an easy thing to do. Changing your status quo and beliefs are the most frightening thing, because it requires a lot of guts and self belief that yes, You can do it. But, again its now impossible to do and how you can do this is just by allowing a shift in your thoughts while dealing with any recurring situation at first. Some of the examples on what and how you can make a difference in your daily life is making your bed after you woke up in the morning; yes it is very important task to do, then complete your all small daily task in a systematic way and be more organized this will make you more comfortable. Take deep breaths all this will starts improving your blood circulation inside your body and instantly you feel more energetic, creative and happy and once you make it a routine you see a change in your attitude i.e. positive and this will leads you to improve your self-confidence.

3.       Acquire Knowledge:

One the biggest reason of lack of confidence is lack of knowledge. So knowledge in simple words is nothing but a common sense. What our children are lacking in sense of knowledge is the discussions which parents usually do with their children, give them the necessary thoughts about life and its situations. As we are getting more sound in technology we are forgetting importance of human touch. Learn new things, understands current affairs, do face to face interactions with people on various issues and topics and the easiest way is to talk with your family members, friends and relatives initially. Let us understand this fact that it’s ok to don’t know all things as no one is perfect or loaded with full of information on everything. But the important part is, be a good and quick learner. The more you informed the more confident you will be.

4.       Involve yourself in some physical exercise:

In such a so called modern world we are too much busy with the stuffs which are usually not necessary. It is the need of the hour that atleast for an hour we need to disconnect ourselves from mobile phones, electronic gadgets etc and start doing an exercises and work outs. Exercise makes you healthy, attractive, positive, energetic, passionate, creative, innovative, and effective. Some of the things you can do are start with a walk, little jogging, cycling, laughing etc. This will give you good health which leads to lots of wealth.

5.       Think positive about yourself:

In general situation it’s very easy to think positive about one but the real situation makes you a successful person when you keep up yourself positive in adverse situations as well. Some of the ways you can keep up yourself positive in adverse situation are:
·         Keep yourself away from the negative people.
·         Connect yourself with a bit of spirituality.
·         Meditate daily atleast for 10 minutes.
·         Focus on solutions, think of your strengths and skills you already have.
·         Have mentor in life and ask guidance and help yourself from his or her experiences and wisdom and keep faith in them.
·         Keep faith in yourself.
·         Take an opportunity to talk to kids and old age people. Bet on this, you will get some amazing things and perspectives while talking to them.
·         Make a habit to celebrate small achievements.

6.       Dress up for yourself:

It is most important thing as we heard about it we take our appearance for granted but if you work bit on your looks and the way you carry yourself you will definitely feel more confident and when you are confident you will take better decisions and this will make you more passionate and confident, once you started doing this better decisions will be your habit and you can motivate others too. So always wear dress which makes you feel happy not the one which you have, carry a smile on your face, carry a persona of a leader and you feel the difference.

7.       Practice, Practice, Practice…:

Yes, Practice makes a man perfect. We need to practice until we do it correctly, one thing atleast daily for 3-5 minutes stand infront of mirror and see how you look, how you want to appear infront of all, how you walk, how you talk and how you smile and laugh. Everything this practice gives you tons of confidence. Try it out.

8.       Connect yourself with nature:

Start connect yourself to the real world, catch small moments in day of having a glass of water, smell the sand, feel the air, feel the heat of sun, help someone, do something to make smile someone, play with pets, admire the beauty of nature, pour water to plants, cook something etc. When you indulge in such type of activities you feel positive about yourself and you attract positive vibes, all this will not only makes you better person in life but a positive, self confident, interesting person.

Let’s start with small things to bring big difference in our lives. Be confident to achieve confidence and empowers others to boost their confidence. If you have any suggestions or things to share about how you get back your confidence please comment and share and do motivate others to achieve confidence as you did.

Happy Life Hacks:

  In today’s world, we, the people on Earth, want to live a mindful, peaceful and happy life and to achieve it we have that find our own way...