Saturday, March 30, 2019

What to do when you stuck in life:

What to do when you stuck in life
What to do when you stuck in life
We all get stuck in one or the other situations which we don’t want in life, but still we are struggling with them. May be it is your education, job, business etc, and with wrong life partner, friends, relatives with whom you won’t feel comfortable but still you are with them and don’t know how to deal with all.

Very few people have the courage and right attitude to handle such situations which usually general people not able to manage. Here in this article I am going to give you very practical solutions for such kind of problems professionally and personally. I start with professional points then touch personal ones.

When we are stuck in these types of situations, very first thing we loss here is our mental peace which is the root of all the following points. Initially, you feel like what rubbish is all this solutions; well it is a usual reaction when you are angry, frustrated, confused, disturbed. Keeping your cool in adverse situation makes you to take right decision depending upon situations. 

I am trying to cover very big issues which everyone faces at many instances in his/her life. Although, we all know that we can discuss long hours on each point which I am sharing with you, but what I am going to do in this article is preciously sum-up with solutions on the problems. So to make it simple let’s discuss issues point wise:

1.       If you think you did education, where you are not at all interested:

It is one of the biggest problems with the kids who are at the verge of joining college for graduation, post graduation or any institute for any vocational courses. Situation arises with all the joining formalities when done and they start studying the course and found that they entered into wrong domain. Now what? It is very big question in the minds of students this situation is still exists when we say we are living in a world of internet full of information.

What my take on this is having courage and confidence to move ahead and complete the course, it is better trying to convince your parents and do start doing course you are really interested. Do self-analysis and study your own behavior and skills you have and made decisions. Initially, you may have to face bit of troubles from family members but trust me guys this troubles are nothing in-front of the real troubles you face when you start doing job. Because of this problem Indian youth is now become literate and not knowledgeable. If you find the problem face it now when it is small rather making them big you further give birth to below all problems.

2.      Don’t know what is your passion:

India is the youngest nation but even though our education system is still running on old concepts, definitely we need changes in the system but that is not in our hands. So let’s focus on things in our hands. To find your passion in life you have to accept the fact that it is not a one day activity. It is a process where you need to analyze your knowledge, skills, ability, perceptions and beliefs, hobbies. Below are some suggestions:

a.       Read books on successful people, business, inspirations etc.
b.      Try to get in touch with people who are at peak of their career. Ask guidance from them & not every people around you.
c.       Spend quality time on internet don’t just see videos only rather gather knowledgeable information of successful people.
d.      Whatever you are doing in your life do it with full energy and learn from it.
e.      Try to develop vision in life and you come to know passion follows.

3.       If you feel like you are into wrong job:

First of all let me congratulate you on this fact that at least you know that you are in wrong job. Many people I spooked with are still didn’t realized that they need a change to make a change. But accept the fact you are getting salary from your current job so prove your work even if you don’t like it. So now let’s discuss about solutions on which you can work upon are:

a.       Never do cheating with you bread and butter because by doing this you cheat on yourself only.
b.      Does rigorous searching for the job you want to serve.
c.       Try to search job through references, through job portals and social media like LinkedIn.
d.      Always leave the job with proper exit formalities.

4.       Feels you are lacking skill-sets:

When we do self analysis i.e. SWOT you will get solution on what skill sets you are lacking for the job or business you want to do. So below are some suggestions to sort it out:

a.       If its technical skill learn it, but make a note it has to relate with your previous education and expertise you already have.
b.      Basic skills like know how to work on MS Office Excel or facing customers or how to do sales effectively or drafting emails
c.       Learn something totally new not at all related to your field, when you have time and stability in your current profession.
d.      Learn those skills which you can able to monetize once you learn them.
e.      Be smart in learning; don’t learn just for the sake of learning.

5.       You are into business which is not your cup of tea:

It is also a very big problem when all your money, energy, resources everything you invested in a business and finally come to know that it is not your cup of tea. What to do now read below points:

a.       Check you are making profits or struggling with losses. If later is the case then you had to make calculations on the amount of loss you can bear in monitory terms and non-monitory terms. 
b.      Think about it, your business is not-really your cup of tea or you stuck in some temporary situation which you think you can’t resolve. Don’t make permanent decisions based on temporary situations.
c.       If you are clear with the point (b) in mind then start preparing exit plan from the venture and book the loss soon don’t waste time in thinking if you close everything late you can recover losses.
d.      Whatever is the amount of loss just book it in current situation only. If we delay it, we increase our losses.
e.      Never-ever loss self-confidence, failing in one venture doesn’t means you won’t succeed in other ventures.
f.        Have courage to bear the pain which is temporary & always take calculated risk when you start something new

6.       Feels financial stress:

Because of the entire above factors one thing you definitely face is the financial stress. How to overcome it lets discuss:

a.       If you are student and taking money from parents for the expenses:
i.                     Minimize all your expenditures on recreation and pleasures.
ii.                   Focus on the career and visualize future as it helps you to bear the initial pain.
iii.                  Join internships with companies where you will get paid while you learn along with study.
iv.                 Make plan and follow rigorously and avoid all distractions like friends, entertainment, travel etc.

b.      If you are into job which you don’t like:
i.                     Firstly continue with whatever job you are into.
ii.                   Start searching new opportunities through various sources as discussed above.
iii.                Getting new job is probably easy when you are working with anywhere than left the current job and then search for new ones is pretty tough.
iv.                 Surround yourself with positive people who encourage you, don’t spend time with negative people.
v.                   Don’t listen what others say to you just focus on what you want to do.

c.       If you are into business:
i.                     Focus on revenue generation sources and cost sources rigorously.
ii.                   Prioritize the things do first important for survival and success of your business.
iii.                  Stop thinking what others think of you. Your problems are different from them so they won’t understand.
iv.                 Think like an entrepreneur and focus on why you started your current business and keep working on the issues.
v.                   Have a mentor, you will recover fast.

Let’s come to the personal front now, below are the situations we usually try to avoid, ignore or try to act in anger and in this way we create more odd situations. Let’s begin:

1.       Stuck with wrong life partner:

In today’s time where we want everything instantly on our figure tips, what we lacking because of this is patience. All points here are universal and applied for both men and women. We are becoming so much impatient with situations where we have differences with circumstances, people’s, thoughts, philosophies etc. we find the easy route to exit. Let me tell you the fact, escape is the easiest route we found in any situation in life.

a.      If you are with life partner you feel like you are with wrong person. So solution what I am going to say here is pretty blunt, some feel offended but accept the bitter truth and separate yourself from them.
b.      Close all legal formalities as soon as possible because it will add mental burden on you and financial burden too.
c.       You need have to become selfish a bit here. Separating with wrong partner doesn’t means that it is end of the world. “World is so big” Think and understand it.
d.      Understand the fact, we are society and what we do will become norms in society. Sometimes they are good sometimes bad, and that’s why we break the norms of society from time to time. And nothing is wrong in it.
e.       Understand your life is important so do some constructive with your life and not trying to disturb other person life.
f.        Never take decisions based on greed, negative emotions, financial superiority or inferiority complexes, what other family members are saying etc.
g.      Decide on the basis of safety of life primarily. And be rational and practical in decision-making.
h.      Accept that many a times in life you need to take painful decisions which are necessary for making our future bright.
i.         If decided anything concrete make it a time bound and act so.

While taking decision on life partner definitely it is not a small decision yet its time you need to think over it and put full stop when necessary to start accepting something good in life. Like if we need fresh water from the pipeline which is full of garbage so first you need to make clear the garbage to get fresh water. Hope you understand!

2.       Not comfortable with people (friends, relatives, colleagues) around you:

a.       In life not only in our friends, relatives, acquaintances but in family as well there are people with whom we are not feeling comfortable because of differences in thoughts, attitude, behavior etc. These are the people to whom you won’t leave, so it’s better to keep distance with them.
b.      Put a check on yourself too, you were over reacting sometimes or reacting in a way which is not required that time.

3.       Facing times in life, when no one including family is not supporting you:

It is very common situation these days where lots of people are stuck in. This problem usually originated because of instability in your career. So solutions here in this situation are:

a.       Try to bring stability in your career. Understand if inflow of money earned by you comes in continuously, it will boost your confidence and this issue disappears.
b.      You won’t make happy to everyone, so rather focusing to make everyone happy put yourself first in the list and acts so.
c.       Take charge of your life by taking responsibilities and accept mistakes if made any & correct it at the earliest.
d.      Never break contact with your family, stay in touch with at least those members who have a little bit of empathy with you and want to help you out with whatever mess you are dealing with.
e.      Try to connect with everyone emotionally; it will help you to fight with so many negative emotions like anxiety, stress, depression, loneliness etc.
f.        Don’t ever discuss your family life with your colleagues, ask guidance and help from people whom you trust like very close friends.

4.       Fighting with negative self talk:

To fight with this emotion is very crucial because it is the emotion which we give birth by ourselves. Solutions are:

a.       Start meditating at least for 15 minutes a day.
b.      Focus on what you already have in life. Make a list of it.
c.       Think on the solution aspect and not problem.
d.      Keep reading good books it will give energy to mind to take vital decisions.
e.      Exercise regularly.
f.        Take deep breaths, eat healthy, keep smiling all this will give you positive energy.
g.       Always keep saying to yourself “I believe you”
h.      Connect yourself with nature. Smell the sand, feel the air, feel the sun, see the beauty of nature and feel it. It will make you happy.

5.       Confused on how to balance professional and personal lives:

It is very simple yet very tough for people to do. We all know the reasons where we can make proper balance but we usually ignore or take things for granted.

a.       Plan your day properly (Personal time & Professional time)
b.      Don’t get addicted to social media.
c.       Don’t get addicted to smoking, drinking etc. occasionally is fine but if they start driving your actions then it is serious.
d.      Make to do list with deadline and you will see how much time you manage to save.
e.      When you are with family give full focus on them avoids taking professional commitments when you spend time with family.
f.        Prioritize family, work, friends and relatives accordingly 100% you can’t follow but to some extent you can and that some extent makes a huge difference.

So these are some of the troublesome questions, situations, issues, problems, fears we all face now and then in life. 

Start applying the solutions and I will assure you that the results you get by applying this will give totally new positive dimension to your life where you feel freedom, happiness, peace of mind, rational, hopeful, enthusiastic, responsible, attractive, lovable personality with whom everyone wants to associate with in their lives too.

In last but not the least you will sense that life is very simple and you will fill yourself with full of gratitude.

Please share in comment section how this article help you to come out of any problem you faced in life, this will motivates others to handle their situations with help of your experiences and with their wisdom.

Always be happy in life and just believe in yourself…

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Things to remember while following different types of Etiquette:

Things to remember while following different types of Etiquette
Things to remember while following different types of Etiquette

We are living a world of communication. If you know the art of communication, your chance of success increases. Everyone in this world wants to succeed in his or her not only in profession but considering life. I am going to discuss some of the important etiquette's which you adopt in your professional life it will improve you as a person and by default it will improve your standard of living personally as well.

 These are very simple etiquette's which we all knows very well but what we lacking is the common sense on how and when this etiquette has to use, to get most out of them. I know I sound bit harsh in the above statement but it is painful truth which we need to accept in today’s scenario.

There is a saying “To achieve something big in life, you need to start small first.” Below are most of the scenarios where if you use this etiquette you get highlighted because common sense is not common these days. In corporate people picks up your small activities before making any thought about you, like how to deal with people below you in hierarchy, how to handle differences in opinions etc. These etiquette's focused on professional life; if you start applying the same you will get surprising results.

So let’s begin…

1.       Telephone Etiquette:

Today tele-calling is pervasive in any kind of business so some of the basic etiquette's you need to follow are:
a.       Call always by keeping goal in mind.
b.      Make list of matters you need to discuss.
c.       Rehearse the script of call before calling.
d.      Ask for time from the person on other side first.
e.      Listen carefully.
f.        Be polite and assertive in your conversation.
g.       Jot down points of discussion.
h.      If you need to make a follow-up call it should always be prompt.
i.         Never take professional calls casually even if your friend or relative calls you.
j.        While calling always talk precisely, do not call, just for sake of calling.
k.       Don’t argue it’s better to take an appointment and meet in person to explain your point of view.

2.       Meeting Etiquette:

a.       You always carry your kit for meeting. Click here to know more on things you need to carry in sales kit
b.      Always be clear with agenda of meeting.
c.       Note minutes of meeting.
d.      Always mentally present in meeting.
e.      Be interactive & make eye contact with all people in meeting.
f.        Always keep smiling face and have confident Click here to know on how to build self-confidence
g.       Groom yourself according to the kind of meeting you meet.

3.       Table Etiquette:

a.       First see you were gathering in formal or informal meeting.
b.      Carry your files, folders, pen-drive etc.
c.       Sit properly and behave professionally.
d.      Listen and communicate with all members.
e.      Sit straight, keeping your head high it shows self-confidence and self-respect.

4.       Eating Etiquette:

a.       Use fork in left hand and knife in right hand.
b.      Put your hands 2 inches above your plate while holding spoon, knife or fork. 
c.       Don’t make sound while chewing.
d.      Start and finish your meals together with other members.
e.      Maintain self-hygiene.
f.        Talk to waiter and other staff politely, always give tip to the waiter in advance. It helps you to get better service.

5.       Social media Etiquette:

a.       Make profile on all social media handles like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and Snap-chat.
b.      Be active on all the above handles.
c.       Do regular postings and increase your connections often.
d.      Post, comment sensibly as social media is your virtual personality.
e.      Never involve in gossiping, trolling and other types of negative campaigns as this type of activities hamper your reputation adversely.

6.       Moral Etiquette:

These are the etiquette's you learn from your family, friends and relatives also from the society we live in.
a.       Be polite with everyone.
b.      If any difference of opinion exists don’t be aggressive, it’s better to put things in assertive manner.
c.       Respect opinion of others.
d.      Try to follow the system and rules which are in existence.
e.      If you want to challenge the odds then make plan and act so in both personal and professional life.
f.        Acts promptly never make excuses.
g.       Always be ethical in your thoughts and actions.
h.      Accept mistakes and learn form them. Click here to know more on how to handle adverse situations
i.   Accepting mistakes need courage. Learn how to be courageous in life

These are some of very basic etiquette which day-by-day we are forgetting and many a times taking them for granted. Consciously or unconsciously behavioral etiquette play a very important role, as based on the way you carry and see yourself as a person so others makes perception on you based on your acts. 

So it’s time to start focusing on these small aspects as well and if you applying any of the above etiquette I will guarantee you any of the above etiquette will not give any kind of side effect to you. It helps you to get name, fame, glory, recognition etc in life. These steps improves standard of your thoughts and life gradually. If you were already following any of these you already know the benefits.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

How to handle adverse situations:

How to handle adverse situations
How to handle adverse situations

In humans, emotions are the gift given by God. Any human being derives by only thing i.e. emotions. In our personal lives or in professional lives emotions plays vital role which directly affects our decision-making abilities. Basic nature of people is to communicate and out of that 90% people love to communicate about others, there situations, decision-making etc. We are sure with one thing that situations arises many times would be sometimes good and sometimes bad depending upon situations. Everyone has different attitude, perception, beliefs and strategies to deal with same situations.

When adverse situation arises usually people get upset, break into emotions, feeling helpless, directionless and feels all kinds of negativity about their own capabilities and most of the times people around them make them feel like this. But very few have those amazing attitude, will power to mould any adverse situation and fight back with their creative people skills, in the end everyone has to admire their heroic performance to deal with any adverse situation personally or professionally.

I got an opportunity to meet and live with such very few incredible super humans who out performed and still stand high not only in their own lives standards but also who inspire people around them. This article is nothing but collection of unusual courage shown by these people, which they show in every moment of their lives. I tried to jot down their styles, strategies, mindsets in point format which will help you all to connect with ease. Click here to know more on how to be courageous in life

Here are the life changing points I can bet upon if anyone applies will see positive changes in their life, which any common person thinks is a miracle and can live that dream life and inspire others to do what you achieved.

1.       Be Calm:
We all know that in any situation always try being calm and it’s very tough when things are not moving according to what we planned. There fear arises in our minds and we start panic and this is where most of us fall in the trap and make things worse for ourselves. Click here to read more on how to overcome fear . Being organized in your life will help you to feel positive and keep your cool.

2.       Have Patience:
Patience is an ability which in recent times we saw most people are lacking. In this technology driven society we need everything instantly and it is good to some extent. But what our super amazing heroes say deal with any situation with patience with aggression in your work and body language, have desperation but the intensity you need to decide. That comes with practice and being more conscious with your moral values. To improve this, meditation is the most effective way to deal with desperation, frustration, indecision, helplessness, self-destruction etc. click here to learn on effects of meditation in our lives
3.       Believing In Yourself:
When adversity attacks the first people who start getting irritated are our family and relatives it’s a harsh reality which you need to believe, and out of them few are there to stand with you when no one stands with you. Self-confidence shrinks when the people around you will start negativity about your abilities and beliefs, here negative emotions drives our mind in self-destructive mode like depression, suicidal etc. Here you need to stand with your decisions and yourself first. Click here to know how to build self-confidence .Above two points will help you to improve your confidence in yourself.

4.       Be A Bit Adventurous With Life Take Risk:
When odds are against us, we start taking things over seriously, start worrying in the things which not exists and so on. The basic formula of life is to stay happy and have mental peace. This will be achieving by appreciating small achievements rather I say moments in life. When we become happy our body releases the hormones and positivism flows in and we start feeling energetic. Always be  in sportiness with your friends and near ones who understands you. This will improve your risk taking ability because your self-confidence is at high and people around you will affect with your positive attitude and you will win. We can see lives of legends from history till date they challenged the odds, did Adventurous stuffs with challenges, fought hard, took calculated risks and emerged as heroes.

5.       Make Meaningful Friendships:
We as humans looking for friendships, which is good thing but we also need to understand the difference between friendships and acquaintances. Judge people before make them enter into your life. Friends play an important role in one’s life. The quality of your friends shows your level of success in life. The word meaningful is very important here, definition of meaningful may vary from person to person as it all depends on the standard of your thoughts and the level you want to do in your life. Friends mold our emotions and emotions leads to action and actions bring outcomes.

6.       If Not Able To Help Others, At-least Stand With Them:
Human psychology is when we know anything happen to us impact us adversely and if we find out more people  affected with the same we start correlating to them and relaxed emotions flows in the mind. Similarly, when we stuck alone we frightened prima-facie and when we know that people stand with you on the same will improve self-confidence. We all are social human beings, as soon as we get accepted as what we are we start flourishing and exploring the undefined. So a person who says ignores others that are true to some extent but you can’t all the times so start dealing with it like this. Two things happen in this situation one the person who is getting helped will fill with gratitude and the person who help him will feel self-pride both emotions give positivity and you succeed.

7.       Take Leadership On The Situation:
Stating the above sentence is very easy but when it comes to use it practically most of us not able to break the barriers drawn by ourselves. Showing leadership in adverse situation don’t means you need to do something unique or special or miracle, what you need to do is only to “act rationally” which most of us never able to do. Think over solutions and prepare your mind for anything worst too. This strategy helps you to stop panicking and minimizes surprise shocks.

8.       Smile...
As said earlier as well that we are social animals, constantly in search of happiness and peace of mind. Research shows that smile is the action which gives you so much positive energy and good thoughts about yourself and for others; this will make you to work in right direction unconsciously. There is a saying scientifically proofed “If you give a smile to 10 people 9 people greets you by smiling you back”. Such a powerful tool we have with us and in any odds happened, the very first thing we forget is to smile. And here let me clear you that I am not talking about laugh out loud when you are in death ceremony, its common sense that all this points are self talk, by following this you will make an impact not only you find in yourself but the people around you also admires and what else one needs in life i.e. name, fame, self-esteem and self-actualization. So start smiling not for the sake of smile but to feel and make the impact in lives.

9.       Understan Everything Is Temporary:
Anything happens, it may good or bad for you; do not stay life long, definitely it will pass by. How soon you understand, you become more mature. Every hero who is doing very good and bounce back when the fall because they know whatever situation they are in will not sustain life long. So here is the crux “Start enjoying the moments in life good or bad” the more you enjoy the more you become creative and innovative to cross check you can have word with any sales professional who is doing good in their life you can able to understand.

10.   Upgrade Yourself, Read A Lot:
Acting happy doesn’t means you are happy you need  to take action and to take informed decisions in life you need to have knowledge, to acquire knowledge you need to first read a lot of books related to problems you are facing in life. Let me bet you on this there are no substitutes of good books. Upgrade yourself by keeping company of successful people, play outdoor games like kids sounds funny but relevant. Talk to kids, old age people you grow as a person. Also study about human behavior and you find where you stand and how far you have to go. Don’t feel ashamed of doing this the results are tried and tested so start doing it now. click here to learn about how to start something new

11.   Surprise Others With Your Unique Abilities:
Start surprising not only others with your attitude and ability to act but also surprise to yourself, this is what makes a huge difference that one should call you a hero or zero. The ability to surprise the situation and your energy to handle things will increases immensely, you start feeling the change about yourself and see the upgraded version of yourself. One more thing here is always trying to keep things simple and all this is mindset nothing else.

This is the real life practical thought process of the unique minds that bounce back in their lives and become role model in life of common man. Applying these strategies in life you started your life to move up and you will do whatever you what to meet in life. So let’s begin to change our life from common to a life of super hero who can manage any situation occurs in their life’s and put positive impact on others with this success in life.

Share your inputs and stories about any situation you faced in life and came out of it like no one else ever did.

Happy Life Hacks:

  In today’s world, we, the people on Earth, want to live a mindful, peaceful and happy life and to achieve it we have that find our own way...