Monday, March 11, 2019

How to be courageous in Life:

How to be courageous in Life
How to be courageous in Life

Courage is a word, very easy to talk about but when it comes to practice, most of us not dare to move forward in various life situations like making decisions, taking actions etc on personal or professional fronts. The dictionary meaning of courage is “the ability to do something that frightens one”. People love to talk about others who is courageous but when it comes to show courage by self, usually they step back. Here are the reasons with solutions to the hurdles which limit us on being courageous in life. However, we measure courage, by observing one’s decision making ability in adverse situations, taking stand for something where others usually become diplomatic or can’t take stand for self or for others.
1.       Acquire Knowledge:
The more information and knowledge we have, more confidence we acquire. You can get knowledge from books, journals, blogs etc and start applying your knowledge and information in your day-to-day activities. It helps you to take informed decision so chance of success increases.

2.       Practice, Practice, Practice:
There are no short cuts to success; hence you need to practice your skills which needed for your job or tasks. Practice technical skills and soft skills upgrade your knowledge in this regards.

3.       Have self-confidence:
Self-confidence is the key to make courageous decisions in life. It’s very easy when odds are with us but situation arises when odds are not in favor usually at this point self-confidence of most people shrinks and if the odds continuously attacks on you as self-confidence declines continuously you ultimately loss. Know more on How to build self-confidence click here

4.       Face your fears:
In whole world every human being have some or the other fears in their life with which some are struggling and some may overcome with it. To be courageous you need to know on how to handle your fears and to what extent you need to take risk. The more you face your fears the more confident you become as person. To learn on how to overcome fear click here

5.       Don’t forget to take breaths:
In any situation never ever forget to take breath, when human start panicking we first loss control on breaths. Taking deep breaths will compose you and your thoughts.

6.       Make and follow routine with discipline:
When routine follows with discipline & consistency, commitment increases which improves self-confidence you feel courageous.
7.       Accept mistakes and learn from them quickly:
As soon as you admit mistakes you set yourself free from the burdens of lie, guilt and other negative feelings. Again, accepting mistakes needs courage, but on a contrary courage comes by accepting and correcting your mistakes.

8.       Have connection with your body and mind:
Until and unless our body and mind are not in harmony, our decisions will never be rational. To alien your mind with body you need to live in present and must aware of the environment around you. The more you know the more confident you are and mind and body moves in a same direction you will automatically become happy and yes happiness bring courage. click here to know more on how to alien your body and mind

9.       Take Responsibility & Think Big:
To be courageous in life, one needs to take responsibility of the acts directly or indirectly performed by them. Your ability to take charge of responsibilities measures the level of maturity you have and as maturity grows, you can able to visualize what others can’t and what we called it as thinking big. Courage will become your habit once you started thinking big in life.

10.   Stick to your Commitments :
Until and unless you don’t respect your commitments you will never be succeeded in life, so start by doing little targets to yourself and start practicing on your commitments and you see that you will be more responsible, your character enhance and your credibility and integrity flourish, and you will see yourself taking courageous actions.

11.   Practice Gratitude:
Its human nature, they worried about the things which they don’t have, and forget the things which we already have. So take time and start counting your blessings and start showing gratitude to what you have. Gratitude brings peace of mind and makes you more cheerful, blissful, and happy. All such feelings give you courage and allow you to become creative, innovative and rational in your thinking and actions.

12.    Never give up on yourself:
Being courageous is all in the mind-set, you just need to keep in mind the saying “Hope is the best medicine to keep going.” In whatever situation you are in you just need to feed tour mind that you can overcome from that you come on this planet with a purpose and if you not yet finds what’s your purpose don’t be upset and don’t stop yourself from doing work. If you don’t give up on yourself no situation will take charge of your life. So never ever give up in life. It all happens if you do believe in yourself and your skills, abilities, thinking etc to deal with situations.

13.   Little push on last resort:
We all need little push on various circumstances, sometimes that push is given by some external elements life family, friend, relative, boss etc. But in all the best is self push which we use to give ourselves to do which we usually try to avoid and that extra mile will make the difference. Here only you get to know did you improved yourself and become courageous in your ability list. when we start something new or thing which is out of our comfort zone click here to know on how to start something new

We all need to learn and practice that life is very easy if we follow the rules of nature. Courage is a feeling which comes in all of us if we feel happy, peaceful, enthusiastic and present in the moment.  Courage means doing what is necessary at the particular instance. Whatever current situation you are in your life, it is the outcome of your past decisions.  So to make things right in your life you need to start practicing courage and take initiatives to change your life. As a result you will be happy within and identifies the path which is right for you.

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