Thursday, April 11, 2019

Important skill sets new graduates lacks:

Important skill sets new graduates lacks
Important skill sets new graduates lacks

Corporate world is still the place where large number of students feels like entering into it need some rocket science. But the fact is very common, things which student ignores, sometimes take them for granted are the things which matter most to flourish your skills and knowledge and become successful in corporate world.  Here are some of the points which enable you to understand how corporate think and expect from the upcoming future professional own this skill sets and make win-win situation for all and applying these suggestions will definitely give tremendous positive results not only in professional but also in personal lives.

1.       Missing Common Sense:

This is one of the most crucial things which today’s youth is lagging behind that the basic common sense on how to deal with recurring and non recurring problems of their day-to-day life. Family plays a very important role to shape their child mindset. With basic common acts along with this little sense of humor is an added advantage. Let me tell you the fact “If you have common sense then by default you have good sense of humor, only thing you have to work upon is your timing”. If I have to define common sense in general “Ability to act and think rationally in every situation with practical approach with responsibility”. We all know common sense is very uncommon today, so work on it and you will see wonders.

2.      Lack of Learning Attitude:

India is soon going to become youngest nation in the world, but what is matter of concern is youth today lacking in learning attitude. Specifically in urban youth most of them have superiority complex and in rural or tier-2 & tier-3 cities people have careless attitude and not at all focusing on up gradation of their skills and knowledge. Here, family plays an important role to develop learning attitude in their kids, which enable them to meet their dreams and goals. Study life of any successful person in the world they always carry learning attitude irrespective of their age and experiences. Try to become quick learner but before that also you need to be a learner first. Give it a try!

3.       Lacking  Self-Vision:

Self-vision is very simple word to hear, but if think over it sincerely one will find huge difficulty to deal with it. Today most of the population which includes students, professionals, experienced professionals etc very few of them are working with clear self vision. To develop vision one need to upgrade their knowledge by knowing current affairs, politics, self core competencies and weaknesses. Also needs to refresh it from time to time on regular basis to develop a life with self-vision.

4.       Handling Rejections:

Today, the time has gone when kids are much more involve in real world, where they learn rejection handling, team playing, affection, friendships, decision-making, leadership skills, communication skills which gives self-confidence, motivation to them to explore new avenues of life. It is drawback of technology that we started living in virtual world where all the above mentioned characteristics are lacking and hence the basic common sense and moral values in today’s kids are lagging like anything.

We need to understand “Any kind of rejection is not the end of the world” focus on what you want to meet in life, why you want to do it and how you will do it! Such types of questions need to answer with logic's and rationality. Accept rejections and always try to upgrade your knowledge, skills and keep on learning new things.

5.       Lack of Maturity:

Maturity is nothing but the common sense, when you start thinking and acting rationally in all situations. Maturity comes with experience yet we have seen exceptions that are not at all mature irrespective of their age. The easiest way to learn maturity is to spend time with old age people learn from their experience. Maturity includes mental synergy, harmony, practical, social, assertive, decision-making, leadership, creative, calculated risk taker and self-confident. Learn the skill of handling of situation and never take things personally while dealing. Mature person knows how much he/she need to play role of being angry, harsh, logical, practical, emotional, ethical, perceptional which you can learn by practicing maturity in your daily decisions.

6.       Lack of Motivation:

The problem with youth today is they get demotivated very often the reason for this is confusion, indecision, fear, self-doubts, negative self talk and the biggest problem is they don’t have patients to learn things and demand money much more than their knowledge. It is an advise that trust the process have time bound targets once you work on these parameters the biggest motivation i.e. inflow of money begins. The real character of a person reveals when he have nothing, to stay motivated you need to do things with dedication, devotion, determination and with passion.

7.      Lacking Punctuality:

Punctuality is not a habit it is the way you show to world that how much you care for your time. It is really embracing that people take time for granted, they waste it like anything. Once the time gone then just start blaming and crying about people & situations. As you started valuing not only your time but also about other person’s time you called as mature person. The positive side of your personality highlighted. We all know importance of being punctual but our casual attitude diminishes our overall persona.

8.       Lack of Patience:

As we have discussed how much important it is to keep patient. As technological innovations taking place our patience level is getting reduced, this is impacting our behavior, attitude, perception and makes us impatience, angry, frustrated, increases mental panics, fearful, depressed and feels like stuck in life. So trust the work you are doing and focus on the deliverance which you have to deliver and keep your cool all the times.

9.      Casual Approach :

Again, casual attitude ruins most of the time. Being casual is not a big deal but what’s important here is the sincerity you holds while being casual as well. We need to understand here that being casual is ok sometimes but not all the times. Professionally or personally in both the cases you need to be sincere with your commitments, promises. Once you start focusing and working with full dedication and devotion there is nothing in the world which you can’t achieve.

10.   Lack of Professionalism:

Youth today defined professionalism according to their comforts. Sometimes you need to see the need of the hour and act accordingly. In corporate world how your professionalism is measured, below are some of the parameters:

a.       How much organized you are in your day-to-day activities.
b.      How you behave with your superiors, colleagues and subordinates.
c.       How you deal with small things.
d.      How you carry yourself (attire, well-groomed, follow etiquette).
e.      Your ethics and values being judged while working.
f.        Your dedication, consistency, maturity, moral values also being judge.
g.       How you pass time in leisure time is being observed.
h.      How prompt you are in delivering results and so on.
i.         How much sincere you are about your job example if you are in sales do you carry your sales-kit all the time or not.

So these are some of the very important parameters which usually people notice about you and your working style. You feel like you are aware of all this points what I am talking about but understand one thing when I started research about this topic what I found is lacking of all the above points which we has discussed here. So people who are at the verge to enter into corporate world you all need to focus on this basic qualities apart from your domain knowledge and technical skill sets like email drafting, working on ms-excel etc.

If you have any further suggestions to add-on in the above list you can comment in the section or if you have something to share you are most welcome. Meanwhile read good articles, stay healthy, wealthy and acquire knowledge.

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