Sunday, June 2, 2019

Reasons Why People don’t take Risk in Life:

Reasons Why People don’t take Risk in Life
Reasons Why People don’t take Risk in Life

Indian society is such a Hippocratic one that people here need only money without efforts and always thinks of security in all kinds. No person in the world is fully secured, our lives are like prepaid sim card everyone come with their own validity why such shit’s don’t understand this fact specially the so-called “Indian Parents”.

Kid’s upbringing is really a matter of concern today in India. We hide ourselves behind our bullshit cultures, religions and ancient history of all times. Indian mentally is still very far behind the risk taking capabilities. The so-called intellectuals and intelligent shit’s of the country are most bothered to take risk and all becomes big hindrance in life of people who want to take risk and succeed in life.

We don’t know which is our last breath on the planet earth is. Do anyone guarantee that they will go to wake up next morning with surety then why people want guarantee when it comes to career point of view. Is money is the only factor of measuring success. If you think money is only thing in life then surely you will stuck in life which make situations more adverse.

We say, we have so much faith and beliefs in our God’s and literature like Bhagwat Geeta, Ramayana and Mahabharata. How much do people follow it today is a question we need to ask ourselves. We say Bhagwat Geeta is the book in which every word spoken by “Lord Krishna”, but this Hippocrates won’t believe on words said by God as well, so what to expect from such nonsense people in so-called literate society. This Hippocrates is so arrogant that if you do anything which is different they will use their full energy to make you fail.

Now, coming on business point of view again people who didn’t know about business and entrepreneurship has most of the things to speak on the topic and flourish nonsense in life of people who have courage to take risk. Here I want to clear one more thing mere taking risk is not at all a wise choice but one need to take CALCULATED RISK in his/her life. What is most depressing in India today is people who are doing whatever kind of jobs they are into they have a herd mentality and still they want to dominate and make other people also like them who live life the way they live i.e. in fears, confusions, hypocrisy of cultures & religions, selfishness, their literacy etc.

My message to all those people who want to start their own business is to avoid the above kind of people if you want to succeed. Practically speaking, such people are your family members, near and dear ones, your partner, friends and relatives. You need to take a strong and strict call on such people or else you will never carry out what you want to do as an entrepreneur in life. “Firstly they won’t support you in your decisions and always try to expect you to fail because you are doing something different from them, and secondly if you failed then they kill you with their words.”

Definition of success which an average Indian thinks is “need a job which pay them little penny’s, build a small house and buy a small or second-hand cars , then do marriage with an average girl and have kids”. That’s it. It is definition of success?

When you are working on plan-A then never ever think of plan-B because if you do that you surely fails, the day you think of any other options while working on your plan-A. Life is very simple and if we follow law of nature in life no one stops you. Such Hippocrates are full of double standards once you succeed in life they will worship you like anything and come to eat the cream which you earn with lots of pain, hard work and  sacrifices.

Very important lines “Your family, friends and relatives have experiences in their lives are depends upon their skills and limited knowledge, There is no thumb rule that if any situation doesn’t work out as per them is also not work out for you also. You have your own skills, abilities, wisdom, knowledge and capabilities to deal with same situation in a different way and make most of the same which they fail to attain.”

To close here, I will suggest all budding entrepreneurs, businessmen and women, industrialists to focus on you vision and work hard to reach your goals and build better society.  Take guidance from people who already successful in business and achieves name, fame, esteem in life, read good books. Learn from their practical and rational knowledge and wisdom. 

You need to believe in yourself with and consistent with your approaches, time comes when you also feel uncertainty, fear of failure etc kind of emotions very heavily but you have to overcome all such emotions and explore the unexplored areas of life. 

Real success depends on how you fightback when odds are against you and get back up with flying colors. This will only be possible when you speak truth with yourself and ignores all negatives around you.

Here are all my best wishes for you all to start your own business and be successful in life. If you have your stories about the topic you can share it in comment section.

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